

Taught Love
You taught me a lot about love, even if you could not give it to me

I remember the way your eyes twinkled whenever we spoke about love. It was like watching stars being born in the night sky, each one a shimmering testament to the beauty of the universe. You had a way of making me believe in the impossible, of making me believe in the power of love. And yet, even with all your wisdom and all your gentle words, you could not give it to me.

We would sit by the river, hand in hand, as the water rushed past our feet. You would whisper sweet nothings in my ear, painting vivid pictures of a future built on love and passion. You would speak of sunsets and moonlit walks, of laughter and shared dreams. And in those moments, I believed that we were destined to be together, that love would conquer all.

But as time went on, I realized that love cannot be taught or given. It is a force that must be nurtured and grown, like a delicate flower in a garden. And while you had all the knowledge in the world, you did not have the ability to give me the love I so desperately craved.

You taught me about the different forms of love – the love between friends, the love of family, and the love of oneself. You showed me that love is not confined to romantic relationships, that it can be found in the smallest acts of kindness and the deepest connections with others. But still, I longed for the kind of love that would make my heart skip a beat, that would make me feel like I was floating on air.

I remember the day you told me that you couldn't give me the love I desired. We were sitting under our favorite oak tree, its branches stretching out like a loving embrace. The sun dappled the ground, casting a warm glow on your face as you spoke. You said that your heart was broken, that you were afraid to give it away again. And despite the pain in your eyes, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief.

It was in that moment that I realized that my happiness did not rely solely on your love. I had become so fixated on the idea of being loved by you that I had forgotten to love myself. And so, with a heavy heart but a newfound understanding, I let you go.

In the years since, I have discovered what it means to truly love myself. I have learned to be kind to myself, to embrace my flaws and celebrate my strengths. I have found love in the arms of others, in their warmth and their laughter. And while I still believe in the power of love, I no longer search for it in the eyes of someone who cannot give it to me.

So thank you, for teaching me about love even if you could not give it to me. Thank you for showing me that I am worthy of love, that it is a gift to be cherished, not a prize to be won. And as I move forward, I will carry your lessons with me, like shining stars in a vast universe, guiding me towards a love that is truly meant for me.
© Jevanjee