

Am I Worthy?
I want to be loved if only to prove it possible
To tell the world that someone saw me as a conquest and came back alive
That above all else I am worthy of the risk and effort
I badly want someone to serve me the evidence that I am also lovable

For too long, I've walked this path alone
A solitary soul, seeking affection in the unknown
But the world can be cold, and hearts can be cruel
Leaving scars on my spirit that seem impossible to heal

Yet deep within me, a flicker of hope remains
A flame that burns, yearning for love's sweet refrain
I long to be seen, truly seen, for who I am
Past the walls and defenses, past the layers of sham

I've played the game of love, with mixed results
Hearts broken, promises shattered, emotions exulted
But through it all, I've held onto a glimmer of belief
That there's someone out there, who can provide me relief

I want to be loved not for what I can give
But for the fragile heart within me, ready to live
To feel the touch of another's hand, tender and true
To hear whispered words of affection, a love that feels new

I want to be loved not as a burden or a chore
But as a cherished treasure, one worth fighting for
To be desired for my flaws, and embraced for my strengths
To have my heart held gently, regardless of life's lengths

I've been told that love is fickle, a game of chance
That it can break you apart, make you question your stance
But I refuse to believe that my heart is not worthy
Of the love that I seek, the love that will serve me

Within me lies a spirit, strong and resilient
Ready to love, to be loved, to overcome any impediment
I am not damaged goods, not a hopeless case
I am a soul yearning for love's warm embrace

So here I stand, vulnerable and open wide
Hoping against hope that love will not hide
That someone will rise, accepting the challenge and dare
To prove that I am lovable, that love will be fair

I may stumble, I may fall, along this path I tread
But I won't give up on love, even if tears must be shed
For I want to be loved, not to prove a point or win a bet
But to bask in the beauty of a love that has no regret

Open your heart, dear world, and let love reign
Let it flow freely, without fear or disdain
For I am here, ready to receive and to give
To show the world that I too am lovable, and worthy to live.
© Jevanjee