

Just a Normal girl
today I'm going to tell you what it's like to be the only girl in a class full of boys. of course it is different for everyone.
but I'm going to tell you what it is like from my point of view.

I've been in a class with only boys for almost 4 months now and I feel like nothing has changed. I still remember the first weeks that were terrible. The night of the first day of school I cried myself to sleep. I felt demotivated for those whole weeks.

My classmate didn't make it easy either. Every time I tried to talk to someone (which wasn't easy for me) their response was very short, which made the conversation end. When someone spoke to me, it was to make fun of me. I tried my best but saw no progress. Which put me in bigger depression. I cried every night without anyone noticing. Even the people closest to me didn't know that I was feeling so bad inside. They couldn't know either because I always had a fake smile on my face. Now I don't know what I find funny anymore. I can seem super happy and crying at the same time. But that's nothing special. Sometimes I just hope I can go back to the time when I was happy.

#school #girl #depression
© Daniela V.