

Indonesia's nature
Natural beauty is so beautiful and enchanting adorn the archipelago that stretches from the Aceh-Swarnadiva region to the end of the Merouke region on the island of Papua-Irian Jaya, with several natural advantages of Raja Ampat Men-World.

Overview of Art and Culture, Traditional Culture, Rich in Language, Various Types of Nation, Rich in the uniqueness of Nature, Rich in a variety of musical instruments with different money and lined up thousands of large and small islands and nature in every village and every village has and diversity will be unique.

The nature of the cultural heritage of the archipelago's ancestors and the kingdoms which in the heyday of the Nusantara kingdom, was so beautiful, the suave nuance of its people and inhabitants greatly complemented the beauty and beauty of an Indonesian State.

The natural wealth in it contains a variety of very special contents starting from the earth, the sea and air contents that store the vast area of ​​commercial satellite orbit. That is Indonesia.

Jaja Juharja