

March across the sea
A light shines brighter than the nearest star. Illuminating the darkness inside of our hearts.

A trumpet sounds, bursting forth, like thunder rolling through the clouds.

We all look to the sky, to answer the call. Our King, He comes like a mighty Lion full of Glory and Majesty.

Those who have been sleeping wake up from their dreaming. to a reality we never knew we were perceiving.
Those who have been awake, we leap and shout with fullness of joy. For the completion of our Faith.
Some chosen leaders are first to take those courageous steps, out upon the waves. select few of the elect , the ones to eager and impatient to wait reach even higher still and cause their feet to leave the deep. Walking on stairs no one else can see. Marching through the air en route to meet The Splenderous King. With all the Earth behind us, falling into rank, as the armies of the Lord of Hosts begin their march across the sea. every bird, every beast. Every plant, flower, mushroom, and tree.
The day is coming sooner than we think already there are those who have taken the mark of the beast.
As tribulation ramps up and takes the world by storm, those of us whom are awake prepare for Love and War.
Don't be late to answer your call and don't fret or doubt, not one bit at all.
But rather begin to wake the others and sound the fire alarm.
May the sparks fly, jump and ignite. From one beautiful soul to the next. their hearts elate and alight.
The mission beyond science fiction.
to save every soul, to praise the Ancient of Days, and build the Temple everlasting as was told by prophets from days of old.
may the creator of all heaven and earth be glorified.

© A_Lonely_Spark
#SecondComing #Maranatha
#kingdomofGod #BuildTheTemple #ComeLordJesus
#WalkOnWater #ocean
#HereHeComes #PrepareTheWay