

Secco needs some help...(jjba)

Cioccolata found himself woken up early, curled up in bed. Hugging his pillow close, he enjoyed the warmth under the covers as he tried to return to sleep. nuzzling his pillow, his already messy bedhead tangled further. He smiled to himself. His peace was suddenly interupted by a small whimper from beside his bed. It must have been what had woken him up in the first place. Be tried to ignore it, but it happened again, this time, a more pitiful sound.

"What's wrong, pet?" he pushed himself up to face Secco, who then climbed into bed with him. Seccos face was slightly pinkened, his expression showing clear discomfort. Seeing this, Cioccolata grabbed his pets face and began planting rough smooches all over it, "my poor Secco~"

"Cioccolata~!" Secco whined and burried his face into the doctors chest, panting and wrapping his limbs tight around him. Feeling the heated bump between Seccos legs pressing up against him, Cioccolata understood his pets needs.

"Not now, Secco. I'm still very tired. Take care of it on your own like a good boy, ok?" he cooed.

"Nooooo!~ I need help! please, Cioccolata!~" Secco whimpered and began grinding himself on Cioccolata's leg.

"You can't just please yourself? What's the problem, my Secco?" Cioccolata's tone became concerned. Secco didn't respond, instead he seemed to become embarrassed, looking away and playing with Cioccolata's hair, "Hmmm...Are you having trouble with pleasing yourself?" Cioccolata rubbed Secco's back as he spoke. He seemed to have guessed correctly, as Secco had burried his face in his chest again, whimpering in desperation. Cioccolata caressed his pet in loving silence, letting him grind on his leg as much as he needed. Secco made a sound that was something between a moan and a sigh of relief.

"I need...uh! Um!? I need....I don't know what I need! I just really really need your help, Cioccolata!~ please!~" Secco's begging was accompanied by him clingling to and grasping at Ciocgolata's body, nuzzling into and licking at his bare chest.

"You want to try my mouth?"

"Haaaaaa!~" Secco exitedly rolled onto his back, opening his legs for Cioccolata, who positioned himself over his patient pet. Cioccolata gently slipped Secco's genitals out of Oasis, taking his balls carefully into one hand and pressing a hardy smooch into them. Secco chuckled awkwardly and his face brightened with blush.

"hmmm?" Cioccolata looked into Secco's half-lidded eyes.

"Nothing...It was just cute how you did that..." they both smiled.

"Now, I know I usually torture you a bit...making you hold back when you're at your limit...ceasing my pleasure just before you explode...hmmmm~" Cioccolata dragged his tongue Teasingly slowly from the base to the tip, "Se-cco~ It would be so cruel of me if I did that now, wouldn't it?" he gave the tip a brief suckle, "Mmmmm~ so cruel...especially if I didn't let you cum at the end of it all~" he planted kisses onto his inner thighs. Secco sighed and whimpered like a puppy. He was just about to beg again when he felt Cioccolatas soft, warm mouth sliding over him, lips meeting with the base before they began massaging him up and down. Cioccolatas throat contracted around Secco pleasantly as he fought the instinct to gag.

"Cio-cco-la-ta~" Secco moaned, "I'm a good boy! Let me cum today!" Secco shivered as Cioccolata took his mouth off of him.

"Don't worry, Secco, love~ You can let it all out whenever you need to~" he gave him a sweet little kiss on the tip, "now be a good boy and don't hold back any of your cute little noises. I want to hear how good I make you feel~" Cioccolata returned to his work on Secco, taking him so far into his mouth that his lips brushed against his pubic hair. He then let Secco grasp his head and control the pace, licking and caressing him with his tongue.

Secco sounded rather girly now, leting out frequent, high pitched moans and squeaks of pleasure. His heavy panting made Cioccolata moan, the vibrations hitting Secco and driving him wild. soon enough, Seccos moans became strained and his body trembled as his orgasm hit him with a blissful intensity. Cioccolatta, though he gave it his best shot, had to spit, as the taste of Secco's release was particularly bad today. Fortunately, Secco didn't seem to notice. He was collapsed onto the bed, gasping for breath as waves of relief and emotion coursed through him.

Without warning, he grabbed onto Cioccolata and began to cry. Secco felt so vunerable and ashamed of himself that he hid his face in the doctor's chest. Cioccolata smiled and carresed his pet on the head, stroking his back and whispering to him.

"Se-cco~...Se-cco~...Se-cco~...It's alright. I've got you."

"I'm" Secco sniffled, "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to start c-crying!" Secco shook, trying to hold back.

"No! No! Don't be sorry...Just let it all out, love," Cioccolata felt Secco grip his shoulders tightly as he let out a few deep, grunting sobs, "good boy...good boy...oh, my poor, sweet Secco...You can cry as hard as you need to, as much as you need to. It's alright. Just cry..." it was when Cioccolata said this that the dam collapsed and Secco broke down, wailing loudly, "Good...You're doing very good..."

"Th-Thank you so m-much" Secco choked out. Cioccolata could tell that for Secco, crying had been long overdue. Cioccolata wouldn't downplay Secco's needs, but he had no doubt that crying like this was a far greater release to Secco than the orgasm he'd just given him. He wished for Secco to be relieved of the burden of holding back his tears and kissed the top of his head as he held him through it all.

"I love you...my beautiful Secco"