

My fair lady,

It's been several a moons and I have searched high and low gone outside of my kingdoms boundaries and still hath I come up with nothing nor anyone. The reward had drawn the attention of many scandalous rodents, with false information only to come claim the money. Never you worry my lady I think I have a proper nose for those types and I will not be duped by all with any ill intentions. For what is the point of a reward
if it's so easy to obtain it. I must admit upon looking at your photo I get a sense of me knowing you. A face to put with the words makes me feel better about the situation. I feel like I'm chit chatting with an old friend of mine. I too have had my finest artist render a portrait in my likeness and I do believe that he has done a remarkable job in capturing my look. Hopefully you will be able to get that same since as I did and for what it's worth I do consider yourself and I to be friends. Throughput the course of searching for your brother I have had the pleasure of getting to know about you my lady. And regardless of what happens next week or next year I am sure not to forget about this Endeavor through paper and pen. I may continue our correspondence and I will never understand what it is about you, but I find myself thinking of you whilst I'm awaiting your letter. I think I might have become smitten with you my lady. I highly anticipate each word you write me and I vowe to continue vigorously searching for your lost sibling. Do not loose hope your having the strength to go on will grant me the strength to get the job done. At the end of my day it's the last thought in mind, finding him is my mission just as being the King. Until next time my lady, keep in good spirits...

Sincerely King Vischal.
© NiKishaDWarwick