

So guys this is a real Based Story of my life!!!
let's start!!
YES,Everything is not certain and permanent!!
No one knows what will happen tomorrow or today!!If we have someone We love and is alive then let us just love,care and value for them! we won't be able to love them after they die.We won't be able to spend our time with our loved ones after they die! I never had brother till 2019!!I wished I also had brother who could love,care me.I wish and desire was heard by my lord!.one day God send a brother for me!He was bigger in age then me,I had never seen him in my place or known him.His name was bhandhan.He also had no sister and wished to have sister!!I was lucky as well as unlucky!!he Said to his mother that he Would love to Make me his sister.This his mother informed to my Family!If I honestly say I did not wanted to Make him my brother Because I had never known him but I agreed to be his sister because I wanted a brother.Yes,he was not Comfortable to talk with me at first and I did not loved or valued for him much at first but As the time passed he started loving,caring me and talking with me!And I also Loved him because he was my only brother who cared for me but as we know nothing is certain.Yes,I loved my new brother but did not valued for him or spend much time with him because I always thought he will not leave me and that was my Fault. suddenly one day I heard he is sick I cared for him went to meet him but did not spend much time with him.After I went to meet him He started feeling well and Was Good but one day as usual I had went to play Batminton with my friends and while returning I saw my brother in a bad state.he was being carrried by someone else As he Could not even walk by himself!At this Time I felt sad and Was in despair cause I thought he Would die!.I hurriedly Went to meet him but could not as his father stopped me from metting him.I believed in God soo much So I prayed to God and Thought God will listen to me!!so I had little hope that he will not die but the very next day early in the morning I Was given A bad new ever by my mother!She informed me That my brother Is no more!!Yes he left me he died and now I regret for not soending much time with him!! it was not even one year We met and Became brother and sister!!I srarted blaming God for Taking my brother away!!I Started To remember all those small Time We had spend together!I blamed God for it but actually It was my fault!!The time when he needed me I did not valued and spend time with him and supported him!!I miss him Still today!!In 2020 16sep he died!!!I lost my one and only lovely brother.So I advice you all to spend Time with your loved Ones when they are alive...We dont know when they will die!!It will be too late to regret after We lose them!!!
I still miss my brother!!
Although my brother is dead for this world but he is still alive in my heart!!!

Story by vidhyasha

© Vidhyasha