

Someone in the woods

I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand. I drop the knife covered with blood without any second thoughts.

oh my! what is a bloody knife doing in my hands. what am I even doing in a freaky place and a situation like this. I was in the cabin having a party with my friends. how come I came here.

suddenly I realized that I was hurting in my head. as soon as I reached my hand over my head I saw my hand covered with blood.

oh my head it hurts hopefully it isn't bleeding much.

as I was getting hold on my situation here I realized that I was in a mansion .

A Mansion? In woods?
on second thoughts I came to know that I was holding a knife not A knife but A bloody one.

oh my God what should I do? I hope that nothings wrong the blood on the knife isn't mine then of whom is this? I couldn't have possibly......kill....ed someone. no I haven't. I shouldn't let these weird thoughts playing tricks with my mind.

who should I call for help ? i even don't remember how came in here. I should call Anna and then get out of here as soon as possible.

wait what where the hell is my phone. it's not in my bag maybe
I dropped it. or else someone took it. but who? maybe the one who hit me? maybe i was abducted and then i hold on a knife from somewhere or possibly from the abductor for my self defense. but how did it became bloody?

I think I shouldn't waste my time here making the possible scenarios of what might had happened to me.i should search the mansion for some clue or somebody who could help me.

while I was helping myself to stand I saw a shadow of someone peeking at me .the shadow was of a Male. I got frightened but the feeling was more like that someone familiar was there. someone that I had known for a long time.

the shadow there noticed that I saw him. and before I could call him out or reach there he vanished into thin air.

hey wait !! please listen.

where did he go? it didn't seem like that he was the abductor. but why did he go.

oh my what if he saw the bloody knife and took possibly a whole wrong idea of my situation .

oh I am in trouble .
suddenly something behind me grabs my hand. when I look behind I see a blue eyed person.

before i could ask his identity I faint and fall in his arms.

I opened my eyes . I'm in bed and gazing upon the beautiful ceiling of the room. then i remember being fainted.

the blue eyed person entered the room .

hey lisa you alright? your head was bleeding a little .so I bandaged it. don't worry you are in safe hands.

thanks a lot but could you tell me what is this place? and who you might be?

sorry but I cant tell you my name. as for the second question you are in my room . this mansion is mine.
I would like to ask you some questions if you are feeling better.

There was someone out there before we were downstairs I think it was a Male. do you know about him ?

yes because that's me.

then why did you went away when I called you?

I didn't go I came inside the hall from another door.

I think I should be the one questioning you . how did you manage to find my mansion?

I didn't find it . I don't know how I came in here when I woke up I was lying here with a kni....
I mean I don't know how I end up here.wait a minute how did you know about my name ? and why cant you tell me yours?

you need rest . I never said your name I think you are imagining things . rest here .

the blue eyed person leaves the room and lisa confused .

I certainly heard my name I am not imagining anything. but why is he pretending not to know. maybe he is a shy or secretive person that's why he didn't tell me his name.

the thing is how did I get in here with a bloody knife on top of it.

I should tell him the truth about the knife.

I followed the blue eyed person going through the hall as I was going a strange feeling surrounded me as i had walked these halls before. but how could it be true because it's my first time here.

I saw the blue eyed person in the kitchen making coffee.

well if you cant tell me your name then how should I address you?

why are you wandering here lisa you should rest.

wait . ... what you called my name again right now please don't pretend that you don't know my name.

the blue eyed person was caught but he felt as if he had made a huge mistake . he suddenly burst into tears.

hey I didn't mean to hurt you .why are you crying?

I'm not crying it's something in my eyes nothing more. yes I know your name. but I won't tell mine.

[I definitely know that it's not something in his eyes. he seems so sad and gloomy ]

I wanted to tell you that when I woke up I had a knife with me. and it was...

you talking about the bloody knife?

yeah .. but how did you know?

its mine.

what.. how?? did I...

don't worry you didn't do anything wrong. it's a long story I'll tell you in the room let's go upstairs.

[why am I so confused. I should listen his story maybe all of my confusions will be sorted out]

now please tell me the long story.

well I was in the forest gathering some woods for fire when suddenly I heard voices of your screaming out loud I thought something had happened so I reached over to you , you were running insanely and a wolf was chasing you. You trapped in something and fell and hit your head. I hurried over and strike the wolf with this knife .

so the blood was of an animal?

yeah .

but isn't it a weird thing to carry a knife? I mean it's not a common thing to do.

its common for me. I carry it with me for situations like this.

oh I think you encounter situations like this alot.

I didn't mean that. you want coffee ?

yes thank you.
[well one thing is for sure that I didn't kill anybody and I wasn't abducted. what a relief. but why a wolf was chasing me how did I separate from my friends. i don't know if i should believe a man who carries a knife with him . but I have got no more choices.]

i want to go back to my friends. would you take me back?

i will take you back but not right now. it's dark outside and dangerous too.

okay, then how should I address you ?

you can call me ad.

[as I heard the word ad something striked my mind and I felt really heartbroken as if something was breaking my heart.]

are you alright lisa?

yes i am fine ad.....

[a name came upon my mind and I called out the name loudly without knowing it]


a silenced took place

I think it's time for you to go.

[ by judging his reaction to the word adrian it seemed like that it was his name.]

your name is adrian. am I right?

[adrian expressions became so terrified like I had made a mistake for identifying him.]

no.......not ...its not .

you are lying. i can see in your face.

[a knocking sound comes from downstairs .]

adrian rushes down stairs .
lisa follows him.

hey lisa you alright we were all so worried for you. how did you came here?

Anna how did you guys find me?

take your friend with you she has got enough rest here.

thank you sir for taking care of her we will go now.

let's go lisa. time to go home.

before I could say anything to adrian, anna took me away from him.

but I was sure that he was definitely someone I knew. someone that I couldn't forget.

I'll find all the answers but now I should go.

I remember the look in his deep blue eyes. the look of despair with a broken heart.