

The mirror loomed over them as they traversed the hallways of the abandoned mansion. It was rumoured that no one came out alive from it...
Chaz wasn't scared of a seemingly never-ending mirror, at least he wasn't going to show any fear. Not in front of all his friends. "Hrmph, friends" truthfully Chaz didn't think these kids were his friends and laughed at the thought of it. "They wish they were good enough to actually be my friends," he thought to himself. "They're lucky I put up with them cuz I'm bored. I make them look good." In Chaz's world he was the leader of a rag tag group of misfits he was trying to show them the 'way'. Suddenly a single bead of sweat fell from his forehead to the dusty, trash riddled floor. No one heard it, no one saw it but as soon as the salty liquid hit the mansion floor another mirror appeared underneath them, as if they had been walking on it all along! There were footprints and everything! "Chaz!" yelled Nicole visibly shaken. "Chaz, what in the actual fuck is this?" She was visibly scared but still made sure to have that 'bitch' tone she was famous for. Just as Chaz raised his hand to answer in frustration four walls surrounded him all mirror images. He was looking at himself looking at himself, endlessly into infinity. He began to panic and beat at the walls around him trying to find a way out. "How am I going to get out of this?" He thought, panicking. "I'm going to die in here, I'll be trapped in here literally until I starve." Finally, with one last beat of his fist onto the blood smeared walls around him he screamed, "Fuck you Drew!!" "This was your god damn idea and you got us in this shit hole, now get me the fuck out!" You could hear the panic in his voice. "I don't give a good god damn about any of these other mother fuckers," he screamed showing his true colors. "I am Chaz Henson, and I do not want to be here LET ME OUT" Chaz's voice was cracking from the screams, so no one heard his last one as the mirrored walls turned in on him. Mechanical gears turning and whining over and over until a long deep hiss was all that remained and Chaz was a four by four block of meat.
© All Rights Reserved Hyatt Hendricks