

My self is all I need
it's been a journey of no return
Really when I was coming into the world I thought the universe has one in store for me
I thought he had people and dreams already left for me to enjoy,soni came joyful ready to live my life.

But all that was just in my head,
I was actually alone
I was alone in this world of mine even when surrounded with out of people it still feels lonely.
so I actually needed no body
I needed no body to feel and space in my life
because even if the do in everything i am held responsible.
With events playing out in this little existence of mine I have realized that I am aways responsible for every dame thing that went on around me and with me
No one is held responsible but me
it is all on me because I was given the authority to ake changes and make decisions for my self and life.
Actually I need no body but my self