

Three wishes, choose wisely," the genie declared.

I took a deep breath, my mind

racing with possibilities.As I pondered my options, I suddenly felt a sense of responsibility weighing down on me. What should I wish for? Should I be selfish and choose something that would benefit only me? Or should I consider the greater good and choose something that could help the world?

Finally, I spoke up. "I wish for the power to understand and speak every language in the world."

The genie nodded and granted my wish, and suddenly words and phrases from every corner of the globe flowed effortlessly from my lips. It was an incredible feeling, and I felt like I could use my gift to make a real difference in the world.

For my second wish, I thought carefully. "I wish for the power to heal any sickness or injury, no matter how serious or complex."

Again, the genie nodded, and suddenly a sense of warmth filled my body. I knew that I had been granted an incredible ability, one that could save countless lives and alleviate immeasurable suffering.

Finally, for my third and final wish, I considered carefully, thinking about all the problems and challenges facing our world today. "I wish for the power to unite people, to bring about peace and understanding among all nations, without any personal gain or ambition."

Once again, the genie nodded and granted my wish, and I felt a wave of energy and goodwill flowing from me, spreading outwards in every direction.

With these three wishes, I felt like I could truly make a difference in our world, bringing hope, healing, and harmony to all those who needed it most. As the genie faded away, I knew that my real journey was just beginning, but I was ready for whatever lay ahead.
© प्रियंका