

Stories of Passion
On a rainy Tuesday night, I was walking back from work,
Drenched and tired, I decided to stop at a cafe and get a beverage. ‘Their coffee machine is broken,’ I heard a velvety but disappointed voice call from the distance. I turned back to see this petite and elegant girl looking at me with a crooked half-smile.
‘There’s another coffee shop nearby if you want to go,’ I told her. She looked at me with eyes filled with hope. I smiled at her, and she gave me a gleaming smile back. I approached her to find out she was drenched, too and shivering.
I held her hand and came closer to whisper in her ear some magic words. As I did, she nodded enthusiastically and grabbed my hand, squeezing it joyfully and excitedly. The next moment, we were on the go, holding hands and galloping to this place I promised to take her!

Stay tuned to know what happens next!
© Zacho