


There is no passion or feeling of the universe purer than love. No one can never reach God without love. But alas, we have limited this word of love to boy and girl.Do you know what exactly the love is?Love is,giving a sip of water to a thirsty man from your bottle. Love is to make a blind I person cross the road. Love is,to make a crying person laugh. Love is, embracing all the sorrows of a person and to accept them with all their sins and imperfactions. Love is, getting up in the middle of the night and pleasing God. Love is, sitting in solitude and talking to God.Love is, bowing down your head infront of god. Love is the name of the confession that god is one. And there is no one like him. He has always been and always will be.Love is the name of humanity.He fills that heart with human love first which god intends to fill with His love.god can never be found without human love. He who learns to love man learns to love god. Whoever seeks god, god provides him all the means to bring him closer.
© vinod sam