

A Message From Nicola Tesla
Much has been hidden from us. Nicola Tesla was involved with the design of the New Yorker Hotel with the intention of transmitting free electricity to the entire world. He was in contact with extraterrestrials who were backing his efforts. Tesla was an extraterrestrial incarnated as human being on a mission to bring us the extraterrestrial technology we all share to this day. He agreed with God and heaven to incarnate on Earth to shift the Earth and humanity into a higher technological order planet. He met with harsh resistance from the unconsciousness of humankind, full of ego and greedy minds who blocked and resisted his efforts because it meant financial ruin for them. Or mind who wanted to use his knowledge to destroy life instead of bringing peace to humanity.

He was involved heavily with the US government who had interest in using his knowledge and technology for weapons of war but he resisted. He was not interested in creating devices to harm humankind and the US government was constantly observing him in every aspect of his life and hampering his...