


("Broken Bonds: A Tale of Love and Loss")

Seza got up early in the morning with joy in her heart. She took out a huge pile of clothes from her wardrobe and asked Ana to choose a dress for her. Ana selected the dress, and Seza went to change. Before leaving for classes, Seza looked in the mirror many times just to check if she was okay, and she asked Ana multiple times how she looked. Ana got irritated, telling her more than ten times that she looked good. Seza pulled Ana and said, "Let's go fast, Artav might be waiting. Let's go." She was so happy that she skipped breakfast just to be on time. Ana started scolding her for not eating breakfast since she was sick. While on the way, Seza kept asking Ana, "What should I talk to him about?" Ana said, "Look, Seza, it's not your first time meeting Artav. Just act normal, don't be overexcited."
Seza replied, "Can't you see I am so happy? I can't help it. Neither can you feel it, just feel like dancing. You won't understand my happiness, Ana. I may be acting weirdly, but let it be. I am smiling after a long gap. Let me enjoy."

Ana was speechless seeing her excitement. She just smiled and prayed silently, "God, please don't ever snatch her happiness from her. Let her live happily ever after." Ana pulled Seza and said, "Don't forget that you are in a public place. Just act normal, dumbo."

Seza responded, "Let the world know that I am very happy."

Ana warned her, "Don't act madly. I am feeling shy walking with you. Act normal, or else I am walking alone."

Seza agreed, "Okay, don't go. Stay with me."

While on the way, they met Manas. Seza shouted his name and gestured for him to stop. She walked towards him, holding his hand, and said, "Thank you, Manas. I am very grateful to you. In the upcoming days, if you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask me. I will help you for sure. Today, because of you, Artav and I are going to be like before. Thank you. You really brought back my happiness."

Manas was expressionless. He didn't show any happiness, just faked a smile and said, "Seza, don't thank me. After all, I am your brother, right? Listen, today while talking to Artav, just open up, okay? Let your inner heart speak. Just don't stay quiet. Speak as much as you want. Then only your relationship will last."

Seza asked, "What do you mean? Do you think I stay quiet?"

Manas clarified, "I know you can talk. What I mean is, listen to your heart."

Seza agreed, "Okay, brother. I will definitely listen."

They entered the class, and only a few of them were there. Seza waited for Artav continuously, but he didn't come. The teacher started the class, but Artav didn't arrive. Seza lost all hope. After class, she was on her way to the exit gate when Ana poked her and said, "Artav is there."

Seza turned in his direction, and indeed, he was there. A group of boys were gathering, and Artav looked at Seza and gave her a smile. Seza's heart started beating rapidly after seeing his smile, and she blushed with shyness. Seza started walking to her next class, and Artav came towards her. She turned back to him, and he asked her to wait. Ana and Arshana started teasing Seza, "Someone is flying today with happiness. Good luck," and they went off.

Artav asked Seza to wait, letting others go first. They kept on waiting until the others left.

Manas came near to Seza and whispered in her ear, "Remember what I said this morning, just speak openly." Then he went off. Seza just smiled. Almost everyone left, and Seza and Artav slowly made their way towards the coaching center. They didn't talk; they were simply walking in silence. Seza broke the silence by asking, "Why didn't you come to class?"

Artav replied, "I was late, so I thought of waiting for you outside."

Seza questioned, "Where is your car?"

Artav responded, "I didn't bring it today. I just wanted to spend a little time with you by walking, so I came by local cab. That's why I was late."

Seza stayed silent, and so did Artav. After walking halfway, Seza asked, "What did you want to say?"

Artav brushed it off, saying, "Forget it, it's not that important."

Seza insisted, "What do you mean?"

Artav evaded the question. Seza then slipped down some stairs, and Artav quickly grabbed her hand to prevent her from falling. Ana and Arshana turned at that moment and saw Artav holding her hand and talking, albeit at a distance. They assumed everything was sorted out between them, so they were happy. However, it was just a coincidence; Artav was merely preventing Seza from falling, and nothing was resolved between them. Ana and Arshana misunderstood the situation.

Artav released her hand and asked, "Are you okay?"

Seza nodded and replied, "Yes, I'm okay."
They both smiled and resumed walking. Seza felt like they were talking for the first time, a bit shy and nervous. Seza then asked Artav, "Now, tell me, why were you ignoring me all this time?"

Artav began stammering as he explained, "Actually, it's a long story. My parents don't want me to stay in a relationship with you. They believe our relationship won't last long. I've been having issues and arguments with my parents about it, so I was ignoring you. It's been difficult for me, Seza. You know how you would cry openly anywhere without caring, but in my case, I also feel emotionally weak. I want to cry, but I can't do it openly because I'm a boy, and society won't accept it. I have emotions too, and I miss you. But things aren't good. Just give me some time, and I'll make it better."
Seza was bewildered, "What do you mean? Your parents are in contact with me. Your mom called me last time and asked me to take care of you and all. How can they say that? Artav, do you think I'm not good for you?"

Artav reassured her, "No, Seza, it's not like that. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. But I don't know what they really mean. Trust me, Seza, no one can make me as happy as you do. I won't be happy without you. I want you, I need you. If it's not you, I don't want anyone else.""It's really hard. I can't give clarification. Just... I need time."
His eyes were filled with tears.

Seza _ "So, what do you want me to do?"

Artav _ "Stay as you are. Don't react too much."

Seza _ "React? What does that mean? I can't tolerate your ignorance. I trust you, but that doesn't mean I can bear all your indifference. It's very hard to survive."

Artav _ "So, what should we do?"

Seza _ "If your parents really want us to break our bond, then I think you should listen to them, Artav."

Artav _ "Okay. Please take care of yourself. Stay happy, stay strong, study well. Just give me some time to clear up every mess. I will be back soon."

Seza _ "Are you sure you want to break up?"

Artav _ "I have to, Seza, for some time. I will make it up to you soon. Till then, take care."

Seza was shocked and broken. They reached the taxi stand, where Ana and Arshana were already waiting for them. Ana and Arshana teased Seza with their expressions, unaware that Seza was going through heartbreak.

The four of them got inside the cab. Arshana asked Artav to sit with Seza, and Arshana sat in the front. Seza, Artav, and Ana sat in the back of the cab. Seza was in the middle. As the cab started, a song played on the radio, "Hard to Say Goodbye." The song deeply touched Seza, matching her current situation. She leaned her head on Artav's shoulder and cried until she got hiccups. It was the most intense cry she had ever experienced. Even the cab driver noticed and stopped the car, asking Seza what was wrong. Ana held her and explained to the driver that she wasn't feeling well.

The driver passed a water bottle to Seza and said, "Daughter, sip some water. You will feel better." It was very kind of the driver to offer comfort. Arshana and Ana were shocked by Seza's crying. Ana asked Seza what happened, and Seza replied, "We had a breakup. Artav is no longer mine."
Ana was stunned, and so was Arshana. Seza felt so weak from crying that she asked Ana for some money to go home and skip class. Ana held her and urged her to calm down, reminding her that their mom would feel bad seeing her in such a state.

After getting down from the cab, the driver wished Seza well and drove off. Ana and Arshana were still shocked, and Seza was still crying. Ana tried to comfort her, reminding her to be strong and stay calm, insisting that she couldn't go home because their mom would be upset seeing her in that condition.

Seza _ "Please, I can't stay strong. I want to die. I want to end everything. Let me go."

She walked toward the taxi stand to go back home. Arshana and Ana went after her, trying to hold her, but she refused and started shouting, "Let me go!" Ana and Arshana felt so helpless. Every person passing by saw Seza shouting and crying recklessly.

Artav ran towards Seza, grabbed her hand, and pulled her aside. He hugged her tightly, and she became calm. She had never felt such warmth from Artav before. It was the best hug ever. Artav rubbed Seza's head and wiped her tears, telling her to stay calm. Seza stopped weeping. He then took her to class, and before entering, Artav said, "Please don't cry, and please don't stop talking to me."
Seza _ "Artav, I can't talk. It will be hard for me to act."

Artav _ "Please don't say that. I feel the same way, but we need to stay strong, okay?"

Seza cried a bit and said, "Artav, please, can we spend today, our last day together, please? I can't bear the loss." She joined her hands together.

Artav nodded his head and went inside the class. That day, Artav and Seza shared the same bench. Seza kept on glancing at Artav and remembered all those moments they shared together. Deep inside, she held onto the hope that he would come back soon.

Classes ended, and they all went towards the taxi stand. Seza and Artav sat together inside the cab. Seza asked Artav to share all their pictures with her. Meanwhile, Artav took out his phone and showed two pictures of them.

Seza _ "You had a collection, right? Where is it?"

Artav _ "I deleted it."

Seza _ "Let me see once." She snatched his phone, and in the gallery, she saw his picture with someone else. She couldn't clearly see it as she was about to open the image, he quickly snatched the phone. Seza was shocked, but she didn't ask anything.

After some time, Seza asked, "What are you going to say to your mom about us?"

Artav _ "I already told her last time that we broke up."

Seza was astonished listening to him, but she didn't react.

They got out of the cab, and it was a very painful moment for Seza to bid goodbye and completely act as a stranger. It was beyond her imagination. She held onto Artav and said, "Artav, you will come back, right?"

Artav nodded his head.

Seza_ "I will be waiting." She cried softly.

Artav nodded again.

Seza_ "Take care. Goodbye till we meet again."

They parted ways, bidding goodbye and taking along with them a wealth of memories.