

CORPSE (Part-2)
“…He is one of the ugliest demon, who does not even regret killing his pregnant wife and his child. I wanted to go help her but that sight was frightening to me as well. Also I was too drunk to do anything”, he said.

“You are talking about Mark Carter, right?”
“Yes, he chased her to the forest. There he killed Jessica and threw her in the lake. To get away with all this, he burned his own house and acted like it burned in an accident. He is a maniac, he even harmed himself to stage all this.”

Despite being drunk, Edward's speech was clear. Counted his blinks with my click pen, 14. No, suspicious behavior. I must say whatever he is saying is true. Or to be most precise, true for him.

A woman screaming in the middle of night, and no neighbor hearing it except Edward, is too unlikely. Also why she didn't ask any neighbor for help. A pregnant woman being able to avoid a chase from man till reaching forest is just not possible. Also he said Jessica's husband had an axe in his hand, but Jessica died by something heavy hitting her head. These are some very huge inaccuracies in the story.

I decided I should meet Jessica's husband, Mark Carter. His wife after Jessica's death gave me his office number, as Mark was not at home. We made an appointment to meet at a coffee shop in the evening.

“Hello Mr Mark Carter”, I greeted him. He was a very good looking man with a fine choice of clothes. For a woman, falling in love with a man like him is not very difficult.
“Hello Mr Lenoir. Can you please hurry and tell me why the investigation is restarted regarding Jessica? I lost my wife and child. I want to forget this incident but these inquiries just make it impossible.”

“I am really sorry for your loss Mr Carter. But I have to do this because the person presently accused is not guilty. Can you please tell me what happened that day?”

“Okay so that day Jessica's uncle David Williams visited us along with his wife and daughter for lunch. After they went back, we had dinner and went to sleep. Before going to sleep we had an argument over how I hate it when Jessica's relatives visit, especially uncle David as he used to visit very often. But I still regret saying something like that to her…”

He continued but now in a very serious voice, “...In mid night, I saw Jessica going out. I called her name and got out of the bed but she didn't listen. I tried to follow her but my vision got blurred and I lost all my consciousness. Next thing I remember is my house was burned and I was in the hospital. Also Jessica went missing.”

Reports did mention him getting injected by sleeping drugs. But still how much of his story was true was yet a mystery to me. Though I did see his eyes getting wet and voice started trembling as he said. I drank some pomegranate juice and asked, “What was the relationship between the presently accused Thomas Owen and your wife?”

“He was her ex boyfriend. He confessed to Jessica even after our marriage. We thought he stopped after we gave him a warning about the police. But I was so wrong. It was him who injected me with the drug. He confessed to Jessica again, but after she refused, he killed her. And tried killing me as well…”
“Well we have got some solid proof that it is not him Mr Carter”, I interrupted.
“I don't know Mr Lenoir, but there was an axe near my wife's body which had DNA and a fingerprint of him. Also the bag in which she was found had his DNA. Not to mention the exact drug which was injected to me was found in his house. I don't know how but I just want justice for Jessica, Mr Lenoir.”

© Dark_Flinch