

Writing Hacked 1- Plot Writing

I have no formal education in creative writing or literature whatsoever. I learned everything by myself through youtube, reading, research, understanding, and writing away as much as I can. I make a lot of mistakes whether it be grammatical or any other kind. I hope you can point them out and help me correct it so I can learn more. I will try my best to provide you errorless guidance though. I am not going to pretend to know everything because I really don't. I have a lot to discover yet.
Whatever I am going to tell you here is through my own understanding and experience.


💥Writing Hacked- 1💥

▶The first rule of writing a story: There are no rules!

You might come across many articles, blogs, or tutorials where they tell you to do and don'ts. Read them, take in important information but don't let them restrict you! It's your story! You do whatever you want with it. Take constructive criticism and learn if you think it's relevant.
Do you know what happens when we restrict imagination? You get bored. It becomes unenjoyable. These techniques or tools that I am going to inform you about could provide you mere direction. Use them if it makes your writing process productive! Or just do you.

▶ Secondly, writing a story is an art. You can't teach art to someone. It just flows out of you. You, however, can teach them the process. You can teach a student to hold a brush, teach them about strokes and techniques but in the end, it's up to them. They decide what to make of that knowledge. So, here I will be teaching you techniques so you can begin your story writing journey.

Now, since we have that clear.

Let us begin.
(I will not go deep into what is a story or the different types. I will provide adequate knowledge only.)

First, we will talk about the plot. It's the core of a story. Planning what to write about is a plot.
The plot will be the map of your story, your blueprint. Without that, it will be difficult to write a story.
You need a plot for the beginning of the story at least because it will lay a solid foundation and help you a lot as a beginner.
Some writers develop the plot as they write the story but if you are an amateur, it will be advised if you knew it beforehand.

Here, I will explain the very basic plot formula, The 8 point formula.
This has been used by countless writers to construct a plot and because it is very easy, I will be using it to teach you.

We can break the course of the plot into 8 different parts.

🔷 1. Stasis: It is the beginning of a story. You can show the daily life or normal occurrences of the main character. The person whose point of view is shown is known as a protagonist. Mostly, the story revolves around them. The villain or opposition is known as the antagonist.

💮 Tip- Don't make stasis boring by sharing unnecessary details such as their morning routine unless it's important in the story later. I use this part to show the emotional state of a character often and make the reader relate to them. You can show habits too. 💮


⚠ SPOILERS AHEAD! If you have not read my story 'Garden Of Spiders' until now, go check it out in the story section. I will be using it in many examples since I have used very basic methods in it⚠

A) In my project, 'Garden of spiders' I showed a glimpse of Maya's daily life routine in just a paragraph. She woke up, looked at her kid, felt bad about the fight with her husband. This was the stasis of the story. Everything is ordinary until this very moment.

B) In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, it is shown that Harry lacked affection from the Dursley family and how he used to get treated in that household. He was basically Cinderella with glasses. We could easily relate to him or imagine what his life must be like.

C) In the movie Bahubali, the daily life of Shiva was shown. That's the stasis.

Many dramas/ movies use this trick.

💮Tip- make a character relatable or imaginable if you can. Why would anyone read about someone they don't even understand? If you can, try making at least one of the main characters relatable if it's not the protagonist. If you have chosen to make the protagonist unlikable, make sure your story plot does justice to the readers💮

Eg- When we read about Mia, she is a mother of two daughters and we can quickly imagine how her life must be.

Stasis could be of any length in a story. Paragraph, page, or chapter/s. It's your choice.

In Stasis there is no conflict(personal problem) yet either.

(In many detective stories, the stasis comes later.
The details of the murder are added before showing the usual routine of character. You can also portray it through dialogues and just a sentence. This is used to create tension in the very beginning.
I will show how this happens when I explain the point number 2.)

Now, don't confuse the plot with the main story. The plot is a straight line. It's the series of events and how you narrate your story is the other line. It can go parallel to the plot, twisted and even reverse (movie- Momento) where the writer plays around in the story world which makes it really interesting if executed properly.

In next post, we will talk about point 2- The Trigger

I hope you understood and gained some valuable knowledge.
Later, we would also discuss how to make a character too.

About Me:
Hello, My name is Samiksha Kemwal and I am a 20-year-old college-going student who loves stories soooooooo very much! Ever since I was a child, I loved listening to fairy tales and watching stories in any form. Soon, not just fairy tales, I began relishing any form of the genre. As I grew up, I began reading fiction. My love for novels kept on increasing and I would read anything that I could get my hands upon.
Now, I absolutely enjoy stories in any format.
Written, video games, series, dramas, movies, theatrical, etc. It doesn't have to be in my mother tongue (Hindi) or English.
I like watching international shows/movies too. Korean, Chinese, Japanese(animes too), Pakistani, Turkish, Spanish, Indian regional languages with subtitles.
And now I have decided to write.
It's my dream to write a good story and get it published.
So this me. Trying to reach my dreams step by step. And I would like to take you along with me 😉

#writingtips #writinghacked #writinglessons #storywriting #plotwriting

© Samiksha Kemwal