

The phone rang in the middle of her sleep...
let's do it -she said...
Maybe in the amidst of the drowsiness the other didn't know what this idiot was talking about...
but she knew only one idiot can call you at this hour and talk nonsense
coming back to consiousness she just realised she was talking about the so called -TRIP that they have been planning for a long time.
Now this convo may be familiar to anyone and may have happened thousand times between your friends and later vanished off..
but this time it was different...
That call led to the most beautiful memory we have ever created together...
The next few days were all about reconnecting that small group of batch 2017-18 and few other close ones.
actually only those videocalls and messages kept us together
but now, the real convo happened.
the best part was u can see all type of creatures in this small circle
caretaker singer dancer entertainer...you ask we have❤️
The destination was never in our mind we just wanted the US time.
but whenever we planned there was someone who constantly said.."vazhiknn valla tyrum punctureaayal ellum koodi thirich veetil ponna teamann...pinnann trip😒
Nevermind him
after the longterm analysis of the pros and cons of the project finally got a conclusion-a beach, a mountain , a forest - "set".
yes, then happened the meetup of those whole bunch of my people...nothing can beat that joy &pleasure.... NEVER ❤️
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