

sunder pichachi
chief executive
Google and alphabet
the company annual conference Google io
emerging countries technology are opportunity to catch up or lead ahead
pichai said
to match develop countries in personal computing mobile adoption more people have gained access then in previous generation pichai elaborated
many people skipped landline and went straight to cellular phone with each technology shift with ai he said
pichai said a Google key note it's ai strategy anylyst said Google push for ai adoption it's efforts to attract more developers to its gemeni driven ai eco system likes of Microsoft,meta, and open ai pichai said in a interview with mint that a company attracts a sizable developer one geography for a lot of our products ai tools as globally see a lot of developers activity on top of our ai platform an exciting moment well positioned as the shift to ai happens
pichai observations are responsibilities on Google particularly deepfakes and misinformation on its platform
addressing this picchai emphasized that
Google has made election integrity a top priority applicable in products like search and you tube and we deploy ai products like synthid and ai assisted red timmings
research through initiatives like project jigsaw for the first time we are understanding patterns in the world and reporting them we also share information where appropriate with the right governments he added
deepfakes incident in April complain on deepfake falsely implicating them on social media it's Synth ID tool to watermark ai content to prevent manipulation and is part of the collision for content provinance and authenticity which develop tools to identify ai generated content across platform
pichachi remains optimistic
the ai progress about deepfakes easily adjudicate the real cautiously optimistic do our part and handle all of it well he said the author is in moutain view California to cover Google I/o2024
on invitation

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