

(DBZ/DBX Original Character Story)(I'll post in septate chapters cause I'm still working on it) Tokyo's Story! Chapter 1
Chapter One; Chosen By The Eternal Dragon! Come Forth Saiyan Warrior!

It was a mostly normal day all around TokiToki city. Everyone was doing their usually duties and things they had to or wanted to do- Until the sky turned dark and the eternal dragon Shenron appeared above the Dragon Ball Pedistal and Trunks stood before it. "State your wish." Shenron spoke while floating in the sky. "My wish...My wish is for you to bring forth a strong warrior to help me and the others patrollers protect TokiToki city! The strongest warrior you can find!" Trunks spoke aloud to the dragon as he clenched his fist- He looked up towards the dragon. "Are you sure this is your wish?" The dragon asked. "yes...I'm positive..-" "Then your wish is granted…Farewell..-" The dragon disappeared as a large light appeared behind Trunks and once the light faded a Saiyan stood- White hair and ocean blue eyes and wearing a white and blue hi with gloves over his hands- the Saiyan looked confused as he looked around then saw Trunks and got into a stance to defend himself. "Where am I..? Who is this man..?-" The Saiyan male thought to himself.
"So your the warrior Shenron sent to me.." Trunks said pulling his sword from it's holster. "Now...Allow me to test your strength!" Suddenly Trunks dashed forward slashing at the Saiyan who of which blocked with his arms then began to fight back. After quite a long battle Trunks jumped back smiling looking at the Saiyan. "So Shenron was right sending you to me-" The Saiyan stood silently looking at Trunks. "..." He was Usually the silent type and only spoke of he needed to. "Sorry about attacking you there..-" Trunks said placing his sword into it's holster then put his hand on the Saiyan's shoulder. "I know you must be confused- But before I explain how about I introduce myself- I'm Trunks- a time patroller just like many other people around here- and you are?" Trunks then looked down at the Blue eyed Saiyan. "...T-Tokyo-" The Saiyan said looking up at Trunks. "Huh- I've never heard a unique name like that- and believe me I've heard many odd names-" Trunks then chuckled. "That reminds me I need to introduce you to a few people once I explain a few things- So first off your here cause I wished for Shenron to bring me someone Strong- a warrior to help me and the other time patrollers...Shenron chose you Tokyo- Out of everyone in this world- everyone in the entire universe- Your the next time patroller to help me protect this Place- So...Do you except..?" Trunks then looked at Tokyo. "What in the world is happening!?- I'm just a kid still- why would the dragon choose me!?- I'm not even that strong but...Maybe this is- this is how it's meant to be…-" After Tokyo thought this in his mind and slightly calmed himself. He then looked up at Trunks and answered with a nod and a seirous expression. "Y-You will!?- seirous!?-" Trunks exclaimed as he smiled brightly. "Alright! Now Tokyo not meaning to throw you into fighting right as you arrive but- I think it's time for your first patrol."

© SavDream