

Me, She and Her Friend
The painting was yellowed with rounded edges. It was a masterpiece and it was lying in my hand. Wait, have I stolen it? I don't remember...
No I didn't stole that piece because it's an amazing gift which my girlfriend gifted me on my 28th birthday.
Well, The painting just memorize me whole scenerio of how and when my life turned into love.
ohoo woww what an experience, when I saw her on the other side of road my whole blood pumps very fast, at that time my heart beat beats to something 300. Wow what an eyes she have, what a beautiful dimple she have,the cute little dimple and I want to falling in that one dimple. I decided at that moment I want to spend my whole life with her,only with her. But life is not so easy bcz she already had a boyfriend which is Rich and look at me. I have to beg for my pocket money to my parents. I decided that dimple girl is mine. What should I do to impress her. I go to her and start to talk with her but she is not interested in talking. now i have to do some other but unique thing so for only her i started doing jokes but i am not a joker man...All jokes randomly brought to my face very Badly. Then i do friendship with her bestfriend, Bcz her bestfriend is soooo pretty yaaar....Now whole blood pumps very fast, at that time my heart beat beats to something 300. Wow what an eyes she have.....

Moral of the story- Never to try that one who is not interested in you...Try some another one because the first one is good and it's only decided by u...But the other one is Damm Good bcz it's decided by God......