

Don't look back chpt 2
As Ashley opens the last stall door he was left terrified of the scene in front of him.His friend had a revolver and a man laid dead on the floor.Ashley was terrified that he just ran.His friend followed him

Ashley wait,I can explain..
Ashley just doesn't want to listen and his running
Ashley please,You have known me for so long,please

Ashley stopped and turned
Yes,that's true I have known you for so long but this?How could you kill a person.I never ever thought you could do this.

No please it wasn't me,please listen to me Ashley.

Ashley paid no heed and ran as fast as he could.When he reached home,he quickly went to his room and locked the door.He started contemplating on what just happen and if he needs to report to police or not.Ashley was in deep thoughts that he didn't hear the knock on the door.Suddenly the door got opened and that scared Ashley ,he hid under the bed mumbling please don't kill me ,please.
His mother was so shocke£,she ran towards her son and asked him what's wrong.He couldn't answer as he was so Terrified.The phone rang and mother decided to answer
Yes hello Dalas residence.Hello?No one talks
Second time it rings ,Ashley goes to answer
Yes hello,who's this...There came an answer wow you forgot me so soon.Ashley immediately knew he was,he cut the call and managed in hurry to close the curtains .

To be continued.

© dreamdarer19