

Reincarnation Chapter 13
Suddenly I heard a huge ruckus along with whisperings amongst the people, "How dare you block our young masters way!" A prideful voice roared out along with some whimper sounds made by the person draped in a shabby cloth.

"I-I'm terribly sorry." She immediately lowered her head to the floor and whimpered out as the doors to the carriage opens.

I watched as a semi ordinary guy steps out.

He used the sheathe of his sword to lift up the chin of the girl before he spat out, "Hmph.. Not bad looking, become my property and I shall forgive you."

"N-no please- Please don't take me!" She began begging weakly as the guard forcefully grabbed her by her wrist and dragged her towards the carriage.

I quickly dashed forward and slapped the guards hands away, "Don't touch her. She's my maid."

~Host stepped in!? Σ(゚д゚)~

"Oh?" The guy stopped and turned around to glance at me with an interested look in his eyes, "Could you kindly give your maid to us? We'll compensate for her." He replied politely.

"Nope~" I replied back with a closed eye smile, "Oh alright- wait what? Do you know who I am?" He asked with a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Do you know who I am?" I retorted back as he quickly calmed down his ugly expression.

"My apologies young lady, but may I inquire your identity?" He asked with a semi polite tone as he glanced at my clothing, his eyes lingering at certain areas much longer than others.

Not only me but even Ning Jing showed disdain over how vulgar he was, leering at me openly. I plastered on a polite smile and asked, "My name is Xiang Ting. What about you mister?"

"Xiang Ting...?" He mumbled, "Doesn't seem like some nobilities name."

"Tch.. Pretentious girl. Why waste my time when you're not even a noble? Guards, seize them both unharmed." He immediately called out his orders as I rose my brow.

~Your surname is Hua.~

~You do have it, since you're more of a higher nobility, there is three letter in your name.~

[LOL That meaning is made up- Please don't believe whatever I say in this story cuz it is probably false XD]

~They have three letters in their name too, except everyone knows about the imperial surname so- yeah~

The guard took one step forward and so did An Ning who put up his fist, I used one finger to push down his fist as I smiled. "Ara~ You didn't hear properly yet~ It is Hua Xiang Ting

"Hua...?" He faltered in his footsteps as he was heading back to his carriage, "Stop." He stopped the guards before he turned to look at me.

"... You must be joking haha! Unless you are an illegitimate child?" He asked before he burst out laughing.

"Legitimate or not... I am still from the main branch of the Hua family." I replied calmly with a smile.

"Tch.. I'll just ask your father for your hand in marriage and than you'll suffer for going against me." He scoffed before directing his guards to stand down.

"Good luck~" I responded back heartily, "Tch I don't need luck, I will get it." He scoffed back haughtily before the carriage began moving off.

The whole crowd dispersed off to where they were at originally.

"H-hua?" An Ning stuttered, with a shocked expression. "Yes~ Are you alright girl?" I asked, offering a hand to her.

"Tch why are you helping me." She scoffed out, slapping away my extended hand as I rose a brow at her.

"Don't be so rude to her. After all she did help you out." An Ning exclaimed with evident anger as he furrowed his brow.

"No worries~ She isn't that off.. How sharp of you. I just want you to help me set up a business and manage it~ Nothing more." I explained with a quirky grin.

"What's in it for me?" She asked with a wary gaze. "Actually.. Nothing much, like I said, I just want someone to work for my business as the manager. You'll be educated for free and earn money as well, great deal isn't it?." I offered with a cunning grin.

Watching her falter, "That sounds too good to be true." She hmphed out angrily, "Alright than~" I replied, giving her a slight wave as I slowly took one step away.

An Ning following beside me carefully, matching my pace as he seemed to be in a deep thought

Step by step slowly before I hear her light footsteps and assumed that her brother came up to her crying, "Woo JieJie are you alright?" He cried out with tears and snot running down his face as he sniffled loudly.

"Yes jie jie is fine.." She trailed off as I smirked, purposefully slowing down my pace even more to bait her in.

"Wait! Young miss Hua!" She called out, scrambling to get to me as I turned around and smiled at her.

"Why yes? Have you considered my offer?" I asked with a polite smile, "Yes! I humbly accept your offer.. As long as you agree to some terms that I have.." She trailed off with her eyes shut, hoping that I would agree.

"Mn... State them." I replied with a slightly amused expression.

"May I live in the shop, and if so can my siblings join me?" She asked earnestly, her fist clenching tightly together.

"Yes.. You may live in the shop, wait for me to allocate a place for you and... How many siblings do you have?"

"Thank you young miss! I have 4 siblings, 2brothers and 2 sisters." She announced, "Hm... Well they... Can stay with you. Meals will be provided, but you just have to cook them. And, make your siblings help because.. I don't want any freeloaders."

"Understood young miss!" She beamed happily, "Don't worry. You won't be treated unfairly under me.. If anyone tries that funny situation again just say this.." I trailed off, leaning closer to her.

"Erica.." I whispered as I could sense her confusion grow, "Come on, repeat after me and try pronouncing it."

"Eh- Ri- Ka-" I separated the words for her to attempt as she followed, "Hey that's pretty good.. Now, only use it for important things.. That goes to your siblings as well." I informed her as she nodded with a serious look.

"Well~ Don't tell anyone about my identity. Keep it hidden." I whispered.

"Alrighty~ I'll get you guys after my school. Meet you guys here okay~ Pack up."

© Naruko