

That Footballers Case Hmmmm
The money fell out the car as I walked
by from the night club and I see this
dead guy. I am like what the he'll oh
no popo 911 what your emergency.
well I just walked up an it's a dead
guy in a car he look like come quickly
I just walked up on this so. put the
call out there but I get 7000 off the
body and the I pay a homeless lady
to stand and say I found him like
this I pay a thousand to say that I
never gave it to her or that I ever
said anything to her. Then I walk
away and get a plane to another city
Where can life be better then what
I just saw or what I have seen from
this pandemic. So as I am on the
plane I talk smack to this guy. He seem
cool but you know we all got our issues.
So as we drink he tells me he that is
bar of gold is a store but you and I know
the pandemic shut all that down. So you
not making what you could make in this
kind of revision pandemic got us glossing but hey at the end of it my take home is ecommerce and it's not what it
should be but I thank goodness to holy Lord that I got it. So I talk more with this guy and you exchange info. Then
on the plane he dies and I get his luggage tickets out his pockets before
the TCA staff remove his body from
the seat next to me. Then I see that
once I am off the plane and away that
he had a sexyload of stuff. I was back at
my hotel looking at diamonds and a
money in a Gucci bag on his luggage
was the pay day everybody is lookin
for. As if it was the male stripper and
I was taking off its clothes. So I call a buddy of mine to the hotel and we
talk this over. But then it's a knock
at the door. And it a football player
he says hi lady's it's not your pay day
and I have a tracker in my case sexy s
I am playing. foot ball so I can only
Mack with you! But you feel my fire
as I burn it up on the green. Oh it's
hot like a barbecue you know and I
am sweating and work in hard to keep
you interested. But here is a little change
babes. But you yes lovely these are mine
I am putting them in a 💍 for my one
true love. An the money 7000 thousand
yes you have been all over my business
babys. But I will give you each a million
to keep quiet. Then you never saw me
or any of this and it was all a bad dream
honey dips. Find great husbands who
Will make you shine when this pandemic
don't have everybody scared. To mix an
be out there. Now it's more stay at home
stay safe. Was I here no man we never
saw your fine self. Or any of this your
business is your business. So he leave
then an hour later we leave. Oh life
is wild some times.

© lashes sullivan