

Being told that I will never have a normal life
One thing that my life has tough me is that I have to be being my own person and do things for me and let no one tell me that I couldn't have any kinda life my mom told me that I will never have a life of my own and no man would want to be with me I did her say that Toyanne will always be able to have a normal life and so will Tamieko and Tony but not me it never occurred to her that my life would be so much somewhat better than Toyanne and Tony's . At times I would have people say that I'm nothing but a loser there was one time when I had been sound asleep and Toyanne had came into my room and said get up you ugly whore she went to pull my hair and I turned around and pinched her so dam hard that she started crying and my mom came up stairs and said why in the hell did you pinch her and I said she told me to get up and called me a ugly whore then my mom said well you are one so I got up went downstairs and took a shower got dressed and went outside and went for a walk that's when I told myself that no more of this this had been after I had gotten out of foster care and have moved back home later that day I came in the house and said that I have every right to be someone and the right to not to be having her start calling me names and you telling me that I will never have a normal life and from now on I will have the right to do things that I've always wanted to do my mom didn't not like that at all .

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