

The Death Room
Wide, frightened eyes took in the casual gait of the man walking towards her. Cold beads of sweat broke out across her forehead. It couldn't be him, could it?
It was him! That smirk on his thin lips was too cruel to belong to someone else.
But how could it be? She had killed him years ago!... It was impossible, right? He was the one who kidnapped her? She had no other choice unless she wanted her friends, family and herself to get killed. She was shivering all over. Maybe he had a twin or that's his gost? It is most proberbly his twin. Gosts aren't real.... Right? She blinked a couple times to make sure she isn't dreaming or hallucinating. She was just going crazy.
*sigh* "I thought that was him." she thought to herself. She was just going crazy. She stepped in the train. Later, she stepped out the train, out the subway and went home. She thought she was just going crazy. She arrived home and she saw him again. This happened for awhile. She had enough. She made an appointment for her vision. They said she was fine. She went to the hospital the next day. They even said she was healthy and they said "Whatever you saw you was real." he went home thinking that she was not crazy. He was really there.
"It's i-im-impossible h-he-he's d-dead. R-right?" she whispered to herself. "Right he's dead so why am I over reacting? But the hospital sid whatever I saw was real?"She talked to herself in the mirror. She slapped herself to make sure that she wasn't having a nightmare.She opened her eyes only to see in the mirror the man with a knife behind her. She swinged around to actually see him standing there ready to strike. She screamed for help while running but no one came. She was killed later. Her house went into investgation. Then days later, all the investigators and police who went in that house died or either dissapeared with scratch marks on the floor, walls or corners. Whoever enters that room either dies or disappears with scratch marks in their rooms. We now call that room The Death Room.