

My first love (2)
Chapter 2

When I finally reach my class the hallways are empty and the bell had rang 5 minutes ago.
I shyly walk into my life sciences class and finnd the teacher already deep into the topic. She looks up as if wondering if I am lost or not "You're the new girl?"
I nod as I stand there nit even daring to breath fearing she might smell my fear from over there. "Right, next time be sure to get extra early young girl."
I would have told her that I came extra ten minutes early just to get in class but I suddenly got lost cause I was running away from my embarassment but I chose not to.
She looks back at the class and sighed as if she didn't want to do this but had no choice "Class this is Sindi Dlamini she's our new student here. Sindi go stay over there at the back." When I look over the empty spot at the back I suddenly wish to run away again, I walk cautiously at the back of class and sit down not even daring to look at my left side, cause sitting there is the guy that called me dumb face earlier.
I can feel his eyes over me as if trying to figure me out somehow.
and when the teacher start again on the chapter I interrupted her on, the hard shoulder guy looks straight ahead making me to steal glances over his direction.

© Mbali P Nyabane