

Indeed 💯
"Penny wise, Pound foolish..."

How my parents truly fit in this bygone famous quote.

Meticulous with every single penny, living an impoverished life for the unduly want of savings and security, not enjoying the present moment and eventually whining over a dissatisfied life.

We do not live for eternity, make best use of the present moment "carpe diem", worry not excessively over unseen future and immutable past.

It's good to have great pathbreaking ideas to change life for good, but extra ordinary success (am not still sure what success means.. for majority it's materialistic, being famous, wealth) is not in each person's capacity, it's a collective of many positive attributes and a dash of luck too. Therefore try making best out of the available current resourses, find happiness in small things and not tire yourself in the quest of utopia or a life of perfection.

Balance is the key for a well formulated life. Never miss on that..
Save money for adversities and uncertainties but also enjoy the present life in your capacity so that there may be little room for regret.

Anything in excess is unwelcome not even a sense of apprehension over a secured life. Also no amount of accumulated funds can save a person from dying or eventualities.

Aim for a peaceful life than obsessing over achievements or premonitions. Each person has to perish someday.

Defy the oblivion of death,
Let's just embrace it...🌍

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