

Her Story
Queen walked as fast as her legs could take her, she even tried running but she couldn't because her leg was still hurting from the fall from last night.

leaving was hard but she had to, if she wanted to stay alive. But how could she leave the only person that had ever cared and loved her.

Being an orphan was never easy and Queen knew firsthand how it felt like. She was only three years old, when her parents died in a plane crash.

She ran away from her foster home many times and when she was finally eighteen she left her hometown for good.

It wasn't easy though, she had to leave in the streets and do all kinds of odd jobs. Eating from dumpster and was homeless more than she could count.

That all changed when she met Harry. She was begging for a couple of change from a couple of passersby, when he helped her.

He didn't only give her a couple of change but he showed her so much care and warmth that she had never felt before.

What changed that sweet man into a monster, is till a mystery to Queen. Everything changed after their 2nd wedding Anniversary.

Queen blames herself sometimes for being so oblivious to the changes in Harry. Maybe, she couldn't bare the idea of loosing the only good thing in her life.

It started with the late nights then the secret calls. Their endless nights of disagreement, then came the beatings, then the emotional and sexual abuse.

It still felt like a dream to Queen, she couldn't believe that after she had found love she will running away from it so soon.

She needed to take a breather, since she had been walking for nearly two hours. To which destination, she had no idea since she had left the house barely with her life.

Queen had a couple of change thankfully, although it was dark she could see the lights of a diner a couple of blocks from where she stood.

Queen wasn't surprised by the strange stares she got from the few people in the diner. She was in torn and dirty clothes resulting from her long walk.

All she wanted now was some coffee and maybe a hamburger, its been long since she had those, hell its been long since she had anything decent.

"You look like you could use a very long shower miss" a tall man said taking a seat across Queen.

"Yeah, and a lot of other things, am Queen" she said smiling.

"Am detective Donovan, pleasure to meet you" he said.

There was something about Donovan that made her smile and felt at ease with him. Maybe it was this peaceful aura about him or maybe because he was an officer of the law.

She had almost forgotten what made her flee her home in the middle of the night, as her time with Donovan made everything happier.

"Thanks for making my night better, but I have to go now" she said while getting up.

"Pleasure is all my, if you don't mind me walking you outside I will love to do that" he said while smiling at her.

"Okay", she said. Donovan was so nice, she remembered when Harry was like that, that had turn into a nightmare. If she was half way normal she would have considered a man like him.

Just as they got outside and were about parting ways, Queen saw a blue SUV which met her nightmare wasn't over yet.

"Someone who's trying to kill me is in that SUV at the other side of the road, please help me" she said a little too fast that one might not even catch what she was saying.

"Don't worry the station isn't far from here, and if what you're saying is true, we will make sure that person is put behind bars, anyways there's a shortcut at the back of the diner, let's go",Donovan said while dragging her along with him as he walked fast.

Queen already felt safe, maybe they could arrest Harry for all his abuse against her and she could live the rest of her life happy.

Well that wasn't happening anytime soon as she saw harry smiling at her as they got to back of the diner, which had no shortcut whatsoever.

"Thank you Donovan for keeping an eye on my goose before I got here", Harry said while he and Donovan exchanged hugs.

"You are with him!", Queen cried out horrified as Donovan walked away leaving only her with this monster without even sparing her a glance.

"You are with me now, my love", Harry said before breaking into hysterical laugh.

It was too late no matter how she prayed for a miracle, she knew she wasn't going to last long if he took her with him.

She couldn't run, neither could she jump the fence next to her. It was a hopeless situation, all she could was to pray he wouldn't kill her as soon as they step foot into their home.

Thanks for reading

#Stay Blessed.

© Ebby