

1...In The Hospital
I'm sitting on the uncomfortable and the only couch in the dusty lobby just outside the doctor's cabin. This would not be the first time for my tantrums to ruin our trip.
Anyway, since my eyes started burning the other night, my sister has lost it and my mother is too tired to make things better. It was our last getaway before I'm off to college. And as usual, my father turned out to be the only calm member and took me to the nearest hospital midst the mountains of Manali.
Dr. Patel's Eyecare Hospital. It was quite a trip. The building was barely a home for one family let alone be a hospital. But it was not the time for doubts.
My father came out of the cabin along with the doctor. Dr. Patel was a chubby little man in his 40's. He greeted us with a wide grin which no longer had it's shine.
"Hello Cindy. Your father informed me of the situation. I'm gonna need to put these drops in your eyes for better assessment. So just sit back and relax. I'll be back in 10 mins."
I wasn't so sure but my father wanted to do everhthing possible.

And then it happened. The burning. I panicked.
"Dad, it hurts." my voice was shaky.
My dad called the doctor. He inspected my eyes and said it was normal.
"The drops will cause burning sensation. Vision would be blurred for a few hours. Nothing to worry about."
And so, we went home. That was the end of holiday mood.
I went to bed as the pain eased.
Suddenly, I woke up when pain shot in my eyes. I couldn't open them. I called for my mom.
She came running into my room followed by my Dad. I was trembling with lain and could hardly talk.
"Open your eyes, honey. It's okay."
"You're gonna be fine. Don't worry."
I was scared. I was scared that if i did, i wouldn't see them. But i gathered the courage my parents were trying to give me and opened my eyes.
My mom gasped. My dad froze. I could see them. But it was too blurry.
"What is it, mom?"
" Nothing dear. Maybe we should get to the hospital." My Dad sounded calm. As usual.
I trusted him. Always. But not this time. I climbed off the bed and stumbled to reach the mirror.
My eyes were red. Blood red. The pain was too much to handle. My mom hugged me.
"It's gonna be fine."
As we drove off to the hospital, my vision was losing me. The pain was killing me. My Dad tried to remain calm by saying nothing. And my mom held my hand and tried to be brave holding baçk the tears for the rest of the journey.
Dr. Patel came rushing in and brought me in the cabin. I do not remember what happened next.
When I woke up again, my eyes were covered. I could hear muffled voices.
"I'm sorry Mr. Long. Cindy suffered from Corneal ulcer. it's usually treatable. but were too late. Also, she was allergic to the drug we gave her before. the reaction increased the risk and the infection spread to the optic nerve. "
"Stop with the technicalities doctor. Was the operation successful?" He sounded impatient. That wasn't good.
"I'm afraid not. Cindy would never see again."
I could hear my mom then. The tears she was holding in. She couldn't anymore.
The words kept ringing in my ears...
Cindy would never see again....
How did this happen...
My mom held my hand.
"Hey, you awake?" Her unsuccessful try to sound calm made me want to cry.
I didn't say anything.
We drove home.
That night, darkness engulfed me and light never saw it's way back to me.
My eyes were out of sight...
My life was out of light...

I woke up the next morning. It happened again and i sighed. We went sightseeing. The nightmares were back!

I hope you guys like the first story of It Just Happens. I'll publish the next story soon. Wait for it.

© @vega