

Her Alpha -3
Sometimes she was beneath him and at other times, he lay beneath her. Sometimes she was on her knees and sometimes he knelt down. There were times when he bent her or held her legs on his broad shoulders. The ecstatic sounds were drowned by the noises of the night followed by the morning chirrups and doodle doos. He left after dawn.
She felt sore and exhausted and slept late till noon.
When she woke up, except the pain to remind her and bear witness of the night, everything seemed dreamlike - pleasure-filled pleasurable dream.
She wondered if every night would bring such excitement. She now knew what her body was meant for - is this the ultimate pleasure?
Her thoughts revolved around the alpha throughout the day. She spent hours in front of the mirror and her wardrobe only to realise that the alpha probably doesn't care about what she wears. She was still unsure, not just about dress and looks, unsure whether her life meant anything else at all than being the alpha's woman. She decided she wouldn't mind having to live this way forever . Only she didn't know that life no matter whose or where or how, never remains the same.
The alpha would be back tonight and she wanted to present herself as exotic as she possibly can be.
But that night was not all pleasure and passion, trouble was brewing. At dawn, just a little while later - after the alpha had left, she heard a loud thud on the main door of her house and once again and then again. Someone opened the door. She knew her father had returned.
© RupkathaBhowmick