

I only want you- Chapter 1
Chapter 1.

"Emily get up, "Emily she calls again wake up it's time for school", mom I'm up stop shouting at me.

I quickly ran to the bathroom to get ready and moved as fast as I could while putting on my clothes and makeup I then glimpsed at my alarm and saw that it was 8:30am, oh shit am gonna be late again for school, and I ain't going with the school bus only losers travel with it.

I'll ask mom to bring me instead.
I then yelled mom can you drive me to school am running late" she shouted back saying I can't I have to take your brother to the doctor aunty Rae will take you.

Fine, really whatever you're the worst mom ever

Young lady dont use that tone or those words to talk to me am your mother show some respect.

Yes mother I'll show respect, my aplogies.

I then went to look for aunty Rae downstairs and as I saw her I asked "aren't you suppose to be working today", she replied looking straight at me saying No today is my day off,

Oh please dont give me that look am just curious.

Alright then since you'll be free the entire day that means you can pick me up after school finishes.

What time does it end?

2:30pm to be exact.

I'll pick you up at that time then.

A few mintues had passed and that's when I decided to grab my backpack and head outside where aunty Rae was waiting for me with the car. Make sure you have your books for school and fix your seat belt the right way safety come first she said,

yes I hear you, you dont have to tell me twice.

So how's school?

It's challenging I'm so glad that this is my senior year.

We continued talking until I had finally arrived at the school's gate "Rosewood high" I got out of the car and waved good bye.

Entering my School's campus I took a deep breath knowing that I had to see that bitch "Ashley" the most popular girl in school, everday that goes by I ask myself why do I act so bossy and arrogant around my family and friends but so shy around boys and bullies, I guess its just my personality. I continued walking in fair until I saw my best friends Anna and Tessa waking towards me from a distance I quickly waved at them to notify that I saw them.

We all went to our lockers to take out our books for class as Anna asked

"Are you coming to the party this Friday"?

Why bother even ask, you know my mom won't let me go to a party she's too strict,

Zac would be there Tessa said thinking that I would change my mind if he was going to be there,

I then replied why would I care if Zac would be there?

Don't play dumb Emily you and I both know that you have a crush on him Tessa added with a smirk on her face ,

No I don't do crushes thoses are for kids if I like someone I would go face to face and ask them out on a date already,

Stop being such a baby and own up and say you like him,

Ok fine I kinda like zac he's hot and plays football what do you expect for me to do ingore him, I wonder how his abs looks,

ok Anna that's enough just shut up and lets go to class already.
After 2 hours of classes it was finally lunch time Tessa, Anna and I hurriedly walked to the cafeteria to get some food, On our way to find a seat I took out my phone to read a text message not looking where I was going I suddenly bumped into someone and I fell to the ground

Then I heard the most intoxicating voice saying "Did I hurt you? are you ok?" he asked while trying to help me get up.

Omg! It's freaking Zac screaming in my head.

I quickly gathered my thoughts and went back to reality and stuttered words saying uh, yes am fine.

Not to been rude or anything but for fuck sake pay more attention to where you are going he said while walking back towards his friends.

I wanted to say something bad towards him like It's not my fault your such a dumbass to show how pissed I was but instead I ignored him and went to find a seat to sit and each lunch peacfully.

*One and a half hour later*

School was finally coming to an end after beign tourtred by assignments  that all the teachers gave within that day by the time I was suppose to complete the last piece of work the bell rang, I said to myself I've got freedom, Anna and Tessa joined me as we walked toward the door that led outside, I said good bye to my friends patiently waited for aunty Rae to pick me up, I stood there waiting approximately five minutes until finally there was a very loud horn the I saw that it was aunty driving toward me from a distance

She said hurry and hop in, I have to go to the airport in two hours to catch my flight

Hold up, where are you going so suddenly?.

As much as I want to stay and help out your mom in these hard times I cant, I have to go to Paris to take care of grandma Marie she is diagnosed with cancer,

Suddenly tears started to run down my face and ruined my makeup, am not only crying because grandma is sick but also because you will not be here to spend more time with us, I really like that you are more easier to talk to than my own mother, she doesn't care about my happiness since dad died I feel like I'm all alone in this world, mom only cares about my drug addicted brother. I still wished dad was here tho.

I was so emotional and crying that I didnt even noticed that we had finally reached home,am going to park the car in the garage I'll be inside in a mintue aunty Rae said,

*Ten minutes later*

I came inside my house went up to my room to change, and went back down stairs to help aunty pack her suit case.

"Which dress fits more"? she asked

I'm not a fashion expert but I'll say the red dress suits you it really bring out your posture more, and why would you be needing a dress to visit grandma? Am starting to think that theirs a man in Paris and your trying to get his attention by dressing up in that sexy dress of yours, do you even like him?

Am not gonna talk to you about this.

Whatever suit yourself you can keep these secrets to yourself, I myself have a secrect am willing to share it with you because I trust you, so few nights ago I went to my boyfriend's house we cuddle kissed and slept togather and I found out I was pregnant last night

After saying that she opened her eyes wide open and stared at me

Stop looking at me weirdly I said, its just a joke, you should have seen your face, that was hilarious.

Everything is all packed am ready to go now, I quickly ran to give aunty a big hug and said good bye,

I'll see you in ten months she added,

bye I'll miss you.

Approximately five minutes after aunty Rae was gone I want to the kitchen to prepare dinner, but I could always order pizza, no scratch that home cooked meals are the best I taught for a second what was there to cook I then went to look in the refrigerator and saw some fresh vegetables,

I think  I'll use them to make some salads with spaghetti.

Finally I had finished preparing dinner just in time as mom drove up to the garage she then came inside with Logan my brother and sat around the table and we began eating, while eating mom stated that the meal was very delicious, and asked where is aunty Rae?

She didn't tell you, she left suddenly saying that grandma was sick and she had to go to Paris to take care of her.

Ok, she didn't inform me I really hope grandma will get better tho.

I'm done eating, mom I'm going up to my room, I went upstairs took a shower, did my skin care routine went on my computer finished some homework that I didn't wanted to do then watch a movie and got ready for bed, when I looked on my phone for the time it was already 11:20, I should have went to bed a long time ago, I twisted and turned trying to fall asleep as my mind starting thinking about a specific person the one and only zac, oh my why am I thinking about him now, he was so harsh to me at school when I bumped into him, I really need to take a nap.  I fell asleep in no time.


© kimaleeclarke