

A Real Adventure
The farmer was suffering. He took care of the animals, harvested the plants and any other things an ordinary farmer would do. After nine hours of doing it, he was exhausted. He came home. "Hello. You must have been very tired after a day's work." said the farmer's wife. His wife made him some tea. He drank it rather quickly.

"Anna! Anna!" he shouted. Anna was his daughter and she was in her bedroom, listening to music. No answer. "Very strange. By now she would have answered." commented the wife. The farmer found Anna. "Glued to the headphones." he realised.

The farmer took the headphones away from her. "No! I need it!" shouted Anna. "No, you don't. If you continue doing this, there will be severe punishments." "Do you really think anything's going to happen? No." "You'll see for yourself, Anna."

Tomorrow morning, Anna woke up and grabbed the headphones at the first second. She was on YouTube, searching for music to listen to and found out there was no wifi. "GONE!" she shouted. "The wifi GONE!"

The farmer went to Anna's room. "Well, that was your punishment." The farmer smirked. "What else am I going to do?" asked Anna. "You should have a life. A real adventure. Not to be glued to your headphones all the time." replied the farmer's wife.

Anna took her word by heart and went out onto the street. "Hello." greeted a child. "Hello. What's your name?" replied Anna. "Lilly. And you?" "Anna." "Can we play hopscotch?" "Oh, yes please!" They played hopscotch, skipped and swam in the nearby lake. "Bye!" said Lilly. "Bye! Wait... I saw something odd near the lake." said Anna.

"This one?" asked Lilly, pointing to a rainbow-coloured door. "Yes, it magically appeared when I was walking by." replied Anna. Anna opened the door and the two girls walked in. They were in awe when they saw the beautiful red trees, orange flowers, yellow swings to swing on, green walls, blue slides, indigo benches and violet bushes.

They were having fun, swinging on the swings. After, they were on the slides. When they were tired, they slept on the benches. After half an hour, they woke up. Oh no! "The door is locked!" shouted Anna. "PLEASE! LET US OUT! LET US OUT!!!!" screamed Lilly.

The farmer's wife was strolling across the street and heard screaming. The key was on the black bench outside the magical place. She opened the door. "Oh, thank you, Mommy!" said Anna, relieved. "Girls, this magical place has been around for thousands of years. It always locks itself after you come in. People name this place "Rainbow World". I have been to that place before. And yes, it is very odd and no one knows why this happens." replied the farmer's wife.

"Bye!" said Lilly. "Bye! See you soon!" replied Anna. The two girls had lots of fun together and that's what matters. The moral of the story is to go outside, do something, have a real adventure. The End.

#adventure #world #tech #magical #fantasy #RealWorld #technology