

During a hot summer day I suddenly felt something wrong .....as I had guessed my organ was failing on me. screaming outside for help a neighbor came home and saw me screaming and helped by dialing a call for help. Three police officers came to the scene to see what was happening. And I who later believed through research was going through shock due to kidney failure. I had said to the officers please don't step any closer to me and step backwards. I felt electricity surges throughout my body really not knowing what it was. But then the three officers kept moving forward and again I said please don't move any closer please. The more they moved closer the strong increase of the shock I felt within my body. And soon i was handcuffed to the stretcher by both wrist and put into the fire departments ambulance. Asking for water from there was none. one paramedic was laughing at me and said 'how about some meth(full spelling?) and had put 3 needles into my arm but right before I turned and asked another paramedic to not let him inject me with anything. Still laughing he said john we haven't even left for 45 mins. we are still in the same spot. And yeah he was right as i looked and knocked out.
Woke up on a bed somewhere. Have tubes conneting on to my ding ding and some sort of soft tube on my neck. scared of what's happening the doctor and nurses would ask me do you know where you are? I answered no and grabbed the phone and dialed two numbers .....911 and my wifes phone number only. I dialed it a few times afraid but no answer. They even closed the shades and the door making me even more afraid because i didn't know where I was. A simple answers of hey John you're in the hospital and this is what happened....would make my fear be at ease. And finally I guessed ....in a hospital and my wife showed later telling me my kidney failed, but i had no clue about it. Strange right??...blood as I seemed to always be awake to be drawn. Lots of it. And I have been rude but asked for a withdrawal of my blood be stopped and I be fed first. No was answered and I asked how does blood produce more within the body? a nurse stated by blood. I stated no ....its food ....I felt like too much blood was taken and was afraid of dying. But felt security with my wife by my side. I remember my dad having the same tube on his neck the bam here I am with the same tube on my neck. But overall thankful im alive. Thanks doctors and nurses for saving my life. Please note I did not recieve any paper work after my discharge from the hospital.

I was escorted by a police officer to North Central right after my discharge from the hospital. Why? I have no clue? I was talking to a person there and I kept asking why am I here? can you please explain ? Unanswered and with a...