

Room no.27.5
Chapter 1 "Submit your answer sheets quickly" the teacher shouted.
Naomi comes forward with confidence and hands over the answer sheet to the teacher. She has always been a bright student.
Behind comes Toshi blabbering under his breath about how difficult the questions were and then laughing at the way he managed to copy Naomi's answers. Toshi is a fun loving , flirtatious guy who has always been a backbencher and is famous for mocking teachers.
"Did you cheated Naomi again, toshi?" The teacher asked giving him a shudder. He makes a face at the teacher and goes back to his desk making way for shin.
Shin submits his answer sheet with shaking hands and then adjusting glasses on his small face. He is an introvert and gets overanxious easily.
Then comes Itsumi dancing and jumping out of excitement and submits her answer sheet. She is a pretty girl with long waist length hair and loves almost all the creepy stuff that exists.
"Ok students the examination is over, I hope you all gave your best and the ones who would score 90% in this examination would be considered eligible for the selection criteria and the best would be selected to go on the 'Nagasaki trip' for 7 days. The results will be announced tomorrow."
As the bell rang, all the students rushed to the school bus and started talking loudly in excited tone to each other. Every student wants to win the trip to Nagasaki. Naomi, Itsumi, Toshi , Hiroshi all settled down together waiting for shin to come. Shin comes crying, his face was wet with tears. "Hey you crybaby relax, you gonna get picked up for the trip ok? or i'll make sure to send the teachers on another planet" said hiroshi jokingly and all others bursted out in laughter. Hiroshi is a science lover with a logical mindset.
these 5 are the bestest friends.
All five of them couldn't sleep at night , chatting altogether about the results.
lets see what happens next!