

Reincarnation Chapter 2
Smoke and dust were drifting around as the doors to the training door opened, Erica's mouth twitched as she exclaimed to the system angrily.

"All those stupid trainings were absolutely nonsense! When I was a kid I could have done that! Well except the seduction arts or whatever it's called." She roared out, stomping her way towards the systems [Not physical] body.

"If you had an actual body... Oh I am gonna enjoy your screams~" She murmured to him darkly, "W-what!? But for the other people it was extremely difficult for them to grasp!" He exclaims loudly breaking into cold sweat.

"Oh~? Is this poor little system sweating?" She asked 'sweetly'. "L-let's start the mission." He exclaimed quickly before she was filled with an overwhelming pain in her head, she groaned in displeasure and glared at the system fiercely.

"I'll deal with you." "Uh... Haha, seeyouinanotherworld. Bye!" He exclaimed nervously as her vision went black.


~Kami sama please! I need to change my host!~ The system begged.

'And why is that so?' The god asked with an amused look.

~She's going to kill me!~ The system screams out, with a scared expression.

'...... Really?' The god asked with a raised brow.

~Yes! Her eyes is glaring daggers at me! And her body language shows it all!~ The poor system exclaims frantically

'Sorry but you can't change partners...' The god trailed off unapologetically.

~Why?~ The systems quickly asks for an answer.

'Because I can tell that it'll be amusing...' The god says with a little smirk

~W-what!? ˚▱˚~ The system says horrified at what he is hearing as he flinches slightly.

'I mean, you can't break the laws that I have placed. Just please her by giving her another starter's pack or more if she demands for it.' The god coughs lightly before he quickly covers up for his previous slip of the tongue.

~Are you sure that's fine...?~ The system asked cautiously.

'Yes, I allow it now go.' The god says as he motioned for the system to leave.

~Thank you, your grace.~ The system says with a look of defeat.

'I hope you benefit from it my...' The god trails off looking nostalgic

[In another world...]

"Tch! The lunatic is pretending to sleep again!? How pathetic! Quickly wake her up! This place is filthy!" I hear a bitchy voice bark out.

"Stop barking you bitch." I snapped angrily, turning my body to face the other direction to muffle her voice.

"*Gasp* S-she insulted me! You! Go and hold her up!" She roared out angrily, I opened one eye before the other to see that I was sleeping on some hay on the floor facing the wall.

I rubbed my eyes and groaned in annoyance as someone held me up by my shoulders.

I opened my eyes and elbowed the person behind me, causing them to wince in pain and loosen their grip on me as I used my hand to grab onto theirs.

Bent down a little before bringing her over my shoulder with a fluid motion and down onto the floor with a heavy thump.

I yawned and covered my mouth, looking straight ahead to see a woman with a slightly above average appearance as she clenched her jaw tightly, staring at me angrily.

Her dress looked pretty indecent as it had a deep 'V' cut that nearly showed her breast which was even more unflattering to see.

[A/N: That was totally a random description]

"Begone! Thot!" I exclaimed with a gesture for her to 'Fuck off' giggling internally at that meme. "Y-you! How vulgar!" She tried exclaiming like an elegant lady only to fail as she sounded stupid and childish.

"You are the one who is vulgar! Daring to show your appearance to this poor people around us, especially with your gaudy makeup and jewelry." I retorted back, mocking her entire appearance from head to toe as she turned redder by a second.

Unfortunately for her, I still manage to hear some of her maids trying to stifle their laughter. "Oh my! How rude of me... My apologies my lady. I am just an insignificant person in your eyes so you don't have to worry much about my opinion." I replied sarcastically.

"Hmph! You know it! But how dare you criticize me!" She exclaims haughtily. "That was called sarcasm and... I don't give a fuuuuuucckkkk!" I sang out.

"*Gasp* You just swore." "Yeahh… What are you gonna do about it?" I asked with a bright smile.

She came up to me and grabbed me up by my wrist as she held onto it tightly, hoping for it to get crushed. I stared on blankly, unaffected by her actions before the doors leading to the shed burst right open.

"What do you think you are doing with my sister!?" I heard an almost emotionless voice rang out, although his expressions and actions betrayed him.

"Uh… W-we were just having a normal chat, w-why?" She asked quickly changing her malicious grin to an innocent one.

"Hmph! Like I'd believe you, now scram before I harm you." He said staring at them. "O-of course." She stuttered as she dashed off quicker then her servants did. "Are you alright you stupid girl." He stated, staring at me.

"Who are you?" I asked, trying to go down the 'I have amnesia' route. "… I'm your older brother Yang Jian." He said as looked at me, trying to hide his anxiousness.

"Yang Jian…?" I tested out his name before I asked, "Than what's my name?" I asked innocently like the character always does.

[A/N: The names don't really mean anything]

"… Xiang Ting." He said as his cold expression faltered, "Big brother? Who was that lady and why was she gripping onto my wrist? Did I do something wrong to offend her?" I asked him, tilting my head to one side cutely.

"That was… your stepsister… She's just jealous about you having the legitimate wife's daughter status." He trailed off.

"She must have hurt her somewhere…" He said as his eyes glinted coldly. "Why am I sleeping in a shed? Don't I have a room?" I asked.

"Yes you do. Now that I'm back, rely on your big brother and ignore what people say to you." He said, "Okay big brother." I replied blithely, as I watch his eyes soften.

He must have loved his little sister but is bad at expressing himself… I'll make sure he won't get framed as a scapegoat.

© Naruko