

Pretty Misunderstandings... Part 1

There she stood face to face with him, her past. The past, which she tried to leave behind and move on, was standing right in front of her. Thousands of memories flashed in front of her eyes of the time when they were together in several fractions.

Approximately twelve years have passed since they last met. She was undergoing an emotional breakdown. At an instance, She found herself happy to see him but soon her senses went numb. She was unable to figure out how to break the ice.
On the Outside, she was trying to act normal but her blood she was boiling, she was assuring herself that it is okay to bump into him after all these years and that he is holding a kid in his arms. She was somewhere not in a position to confront him.

She wanted to run for the hills but her legs were jammed. She wanted to scream but her voice was choked. She wanted to cry but her tears betrayed her. She stood as still as a statue. Both of them remained glued to the ground lost into each other’s eyes. As if they had tonnes of topic to talk about. She was the first one to break the eye contact after she heard someone to call out his name from a distance. The voice was of a lady. As soon as He turned around to check, she took advantage of the situation and  found her escape.

Back in the cab, while she was returning to the hotel, she found herself breathing heavily and also debating that He might be a happily married person by now, the kid might be his own son and the lady might be his wife. On picturising him happily married as her thought,  her hands started shaking and she started sobbing. She was so confused, the pain , the anger, the uneasiness in her chest, the choking essence, all came back to her.

It might be because she saw him after so long. But then suddenly, a smile appeared on her face. She started to analyse the small changes that she observed in him during such short duration. She noticed his changed physic, hair style, now he even has specs, well that suits him is what she thought, and the fact that he has become more handsome. Even after so many years, he had the capability to make her Blush.

On her way, She called her assistant to inform about her sudden return and advices her to clear all her meetings for that day and also giving, Sneha,  her assistant to take a day's leave and explore the city.

P.S. She wanted to be Alone...

to be continued....

Who was she? What was their past? What's their Story?

Stay tuned...🥂
© Chestnut_writes❤️