

Chapter 38: Tag Line...No Time ?
I got over with exams... It's been half a month of no contact with Sagen.
I went every day to the Shiva temple nearby to pray for him.
A week later,
" See... I have restrictions and You have to follow them."
Dad said before giving me a mobile.
I was happy that I forgot everything.
I dialed Sagen...
He immediately called back..he was throwing fast as if he was running...
What happened...
Hell with me... You tell me how are you... All ok... I was so much worried... I send my man to watch on you... They informed me that you go for an exam with him and come back... "
"Wait... What... You were spying on me... "I said almost lost!
"Yes...as I had no idea... What I should do... If my exams and these interns weren't I would have reached there" He was still grasping for air.
"Where are you now?" I asked him.
"I just reached the place, for an interview dear... Just pray... This is my dream company... If I get what I'm expecting...things will work as I have planned.
"Okok... You carry on... I will pray. All the best. " I said.

I went to the Shiva temple I prayed for Sagen... Just help him to get his way!
While returning home... I met a boy ... His eyes were blue... He looked shabby... He stopped me and said... Didi... Can you give me your Dupatta... As I need it... I need it for my dance audition ...
I felt his need... I pulled and gave ...
Thank you so much, Didi...
May Mahadev help you.
He took it and ran fast... I kept looking at him until he mixed up with the crowd!
I felt again a divine connection with Sagen...
I walked fast to reach home.

I was eagerly waiting for Sagen's call.
His callcame and I jumped up from the dining table chair...
Sag... All ok?
Yar.... I'm so happy.... swath... I just cracked it... They liked my performance... They offered me more than I excepted!
Just a happy year.... Now I just need you in life. I'm so happy.
Congratulations dear.... I'm so happy....
You too... I know your prayer worked on me.
I smiled... It's your hard work...
Did you tell MaSa?
Just called now as her call came so.
What was her reaction...
Of course happy.

That day we slept waving dreams in our eyes!

Weeks turn into a month...
He was busy with his new work life.
And work life... Starts it to suck my personal life!

Hey, Swath I will come for a short visit ... As I have a client to visit at Ahmedabad so...Im planing to see you... Plz, don't excuse or overthink. No time I have. It's a very short visit. Ok." he said in jet speed.
Ok. I replied of no clue what else I should say.
Here I got destination, happy with my professors... They suggested to with M.A... But my Dad wished for B.ed... And I had no choice ending up with B.ed.

New admission, new college, every thing new. !

Sagen... He held my hand inside the hotel room he booked.
Hmmm... He kissed me...
Can we first sit and talk...
I dont have time Swath... Talk we can have on call....
I'm in hurry ...
He almost undressed me...undressed himself... I was on bed... But my mind was unsettled.

I'm seeing you after so many days...
Yess baby... It's been so long... He kissed me... His bites...I have to hide later on!
After he collapsed beside me...
I looked at him... I felt he is changed...
How are you I asked...
He said good...
I love you ... I said..
He said me too.
I kept looking up the ceiling...
Hmmm shall we leave...
Why so soon I asked...
I have to go. No time. Told you already ... Came in short time.
© Saranya Anish Nair