

Bronze Medals...
Some runner-ups are actually the finest athletes the world has ever had and they deserve something more than (bronze) / rusted gold to honor the fact that they made it to the finish line.

The most beautiful people hardly make it past the preliminary rounds of the auditioning stages of life as the limelight hastens past them in a flash, casting off their worth in shards of silhouette.

How i wish we would rank beauty pageants based on the beauty they can portray and not merely based on flawless skin and curvy bodies.

Beauty is an inside thing and the pretty face you see just compliments it.

~(Only if we could see,

Only if we could notice...)~

(omit enclosed text)

Only if we could acknowledge the beauty hidden in scarred faces and broken bones, for I've come to know that there's beauty in deformities.


They say life is a race, but truth be told we run for different reasons -

Some take pleasure in the chase, whilst others are constantly on the run in order to keep warm.

It's a quest for survival :
For them there ain't no better blanket than the cover they get from the hot sweat that dribbles down their brow...

Copyright © Tadiwanashe Chikundi , 2021
All Rights Reserved

The moral right of the writer has been asserted.

#Beauty #Life #Strife