

A Day in Life
She got up and went over to Bernard’s table, grabbed a pen and a paper and started writing-

Dear Christie, I am writing this letter to tell you something, something which will change your life and I want you to read this carefully and after you are done reading, to burn this letter. It was years ago when it happened, you were small; a few men came over to our house and wanted to have a talk with me. They said they were here to give me an opportunity, one which will change my life. I was concerned by the tone of their voice but they said they were with the government. They said I had a chance to work for the government, to work directly for my country. I asked what the opportunity was and they said they wanted me to be a message carrier for a spy. They had a foreign body they wanted to keep an eye on and hence they had planted a spy in town but there was no means they could communicate, they wanted me to be the bridge, the fact that I was blind gave me immunity to any suspicious eye. I said I needed some time; they probed me further saying that once you grew up I could send you to the best school out there and that they would pay your education fee for your entire life if I said yes. I still took two days but I agreed, not only because they would pay for your education sweetie, but because I was being offered a chance to work for my country, for the first time my impairment was not an impediment but an advantage, my life which had just been merely surviving was going to change forever. I don’t know the identity of the spy because they decided to keep it a secret as I could still speak but I interacted with him a lot of times, no one ever bat an eye at your father but still I knew secrets which would destroy organizations within seconds. I never heard from the men again but I am doing a good job as far as I am concerned, although these days it seems like there might have been some problem, a leak? Maybe, that’s why I felt important to tell you all this, so that if you found the news of your father having been found dead someday, I want you to know that he was a martyr, not a victim.

I love you more than my life sweetie, take care and remember, burn this letter after you read it, only you and aunt Ariel know about this, make sure to keep it that way.

Your loving father


Ariel sighed as she looked down at the letter, she had done all she could, to make it sound convincing, she hoped Christie would be more proud than hurt. She put on a date three days ago and sealed the letter. She wiped the pen and the table with a handkerchief and then looked around one final time. Her heart ached every time she glanced at the body lying in the middle of the room. Convinced she was leaving no prints behind; she headed out, closed the door behind her and wiped the doorknob. She strolled down the street with the letter in her hands, held around the handkerchief, thinking about Christie and her future. How would she grow up without any parents? What had she done? She came across a post box and dropped the letter in as she heaved a sigh. She was starting to move when she stiffened. She had seen what these men could do, had they done the same to Mrs. Lestridge and her daughter? Her heart started racing as she imagined the scene, suddenly she felt an eye on her and realized she was in the middle of the street. Furtively looking around she started moving quietly, she felt a trickle of sweat dripping down the side of her head as she thought someone might try to nab her from behind; she turned around sharply to find nothing but an empty street. It felt like everyone had given up on her. She was trembling. Was that another footstep? Her skin crawled as the paranoia settled in; she was convinced someone was stalking her. She ran, not stopping to look behind, not even a glance, she kept on running until her legs gave away and she plummeted straight to the ground, her legs paining and heart pounding. She sat herself up against a lamppost and caught her breath. She didn’t know how far she could run, she didn’t know how long before they realized she had been in the house and caught up to her. She had no idea how many more people she had gotten killed, she was restless, broken and then she looked up and saw a light, coming from one direction. Then suddenly there was a whole spectrum of light bashing forth and washing over the night sky. The fest. That explained why there was no one around the streets. It was going on, she could hear a low static sound of the speakers buzzing and she thought of Felicity. She was her only hope. She propped herself up and started moving. She had to get to Felicity before they got to her.

Phil and his men had scouted her whole house; they had seen the utensils with the rubber cups and had found various documents they were very familiar with. Phil was in her bedroom staring at the latch in the roof when he got the call.

“Phil? I see her; she is at the fest, heading towards the backstage”.

“Keep an eye on her; don’t let her get out of your sight. We are on our way”. He hung up.

“Have you seen Felicity?” Ariel asked the host who was waiting backstage for a contestant to finish.

“Who?” she asked confused

“Felicity, she is one of the event organizers, she is the one who invited me for the event.”

“We don’t have anyone named Felicity working for us, you must have misheard the name, are you a contestant?”

Another one of Ariel’s fear came true. The woman had told her the name Felicity because it was a message, she hoped it was the same name she had told to the other employees too but it wasn’t. There was no way she could find her. She was looking around impatiently.

Will be continued.....

© G_write$_