

I kept my promise, will she keep hers. Or will I become a broken line placed on the curve.. With no plans to rebuild inside. Using the outline of a bold, confident line. Made with power cords connected to an electrical source. Am I capable to say what I want. A love that brave completely set. In a beautiful tomorrow. Deflecting doubts and sorrow. Minutes turning into hours. Days are becoming weeks. There are no signs of intimacy. Trying desperately to breathe. Would my circumstances change if I said please. Promises were misunderstood. Lessons learned. Memories full half as good. Promising dreams. Romance seems to mean. That I am caught in-between. Two decisions. If I could choose, it would be wisdom. Afterwards my life will always be a reflection of what I can be. Myself filled with energy. Strong as a superhero. Clever as the powerful wind. Blowing in and out, starting over again. Promises infused with romantic signs. Every word pleasing to the eye. Promises
© Daniel Mason