

Mask of Hatred.
The dream i had, that later turned into a nightmare, was a communication to the conscious mind of just how you don’t treat other human beings.
It had the feeling of bullying and unhappiness attached to it. Leaving me so emotionally upset within, when i awoke.
The dream itself, had echoes of a previous time, that left me deeply upset, causing such emotional anxiety on top of my already established physical illness and a learning disability on top of experiencing an early in set of Mother Nature, while neurologically trying to prepare and adjust myself for my dad’s great decline of health. So the very common feeling of emotional upset throughout the dream that turned into a horrific nightmare was a reminder of emotional bullying and malicious behaviour created by another woman who was a mother, herself, who indirectly planted a seed into her garden of unkindness and allowed her peers to each pick a flower of unkindness after seeding her unnecessary and so hurtful l seeds of life.
Which in turned only added to my own decline of physical health originally, whilst trying to manage my own life situation each day, as a single parent with no real steady partener or a balanced relationship to rely on in my own life, that proved to be so true, looking back.
So this nightmare of a dream were the echoes of the bullying that I’d already experienced in some way, just less than ten years ago. A demonstration of how other extremely unkind human being get their kicks of immense pleasure, each day at other people’s emotional expense.
Coming back to the present moment, the dream that turned into a nightmare in the end, was about the very real and every day ever present learning difficultly that i experience in various ways, called Dyslexia.
I was visiting with my Auntie at her home where she ran a post office and shop, I was helping her there, some of the time while i was visiting with her at her place.
There was a group of girls lead by a woman with blond shoulder length hair, wearing a denim type of outfit, that looked like long shorts with a some sort of button attachment to it in it’s design with a three quarters plainly coloured T-shirt underneath. She made a point of saying loudly while i was tidying up my aunts’s shop shelves, that i did things weirdly and was strange and began laughing like a hyena herself, not that see was aware of her own imperfections as she was far to busy ripping me apart with her unkind and hurtful tongue bit by bit, like an evil villain in a psychological movie, along with her audience posse of like minded minions, that has also picked the flowers of unkindness from the evil villain’s garden.
So i eventually awoke from this nightmare of a dream with such a reminder of emotional saddeness2 in my heart. Those echoes of yesterday’s of that real life cruelty came calling back to me in heaps and bounds.
I feel on reflection that the nightmare was telling me that, there will always be unhappy, unkind, emotionally angry and hateful minded people that will always roam this world in one way or another and that they will forever pick faults with other human beings making those other human beings feel a continued feeling of deepened emotional heartfelt upset, to begin with as it makes them feel extremely empowered inside. As it’s the only way that they can catch any sense of inner happiness in their own mind to help them continue in becoming neurologically messed up
themselves, within their own warped sense of unkind and completely off balanced behaviour, that they choose to project each day. This is a continuation to wearing their mask of hatred due to their own mixed up sense of confused neuros that they are in an ever present denial about day in day out.


© Josephine Daniels.