

Musing and obsessing
Why does people love ? It has been a long obsession of mine.See,it has nothing to do with reason or rationality.There is a jump from like to love that obeys no rules.It is a world of its own.I can understand respect,admiration,liking and even lust.However the 'why'of love is never answered.For s person who searches 'why' before anything and everything,love annoys me.What causes that reason-defying , limitless affection and loyalty?Is it a delusion we submit to because we want to ? Do we pretend to love because we are supposed to do so or we are genuinely such ? After all,the best lies are the ones which we believe ourselves.I am not saying I do believe in love.I believe other people,to a degree,are capable of it.However,the whys prevent me from feeling it.Am I lucky or unlucky to believe in a beautiful lie or the world's most gifted creation.I fear I will never have the answer.
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