

Once upon a time in a rich kingdom, there was a beautiful lovely princess named Celina, her thinking  was far different from other princesses. Celina had a close maid named Maggie. She often confided in Maggie about her happinesses and sadnesses. But she did not know that Maggie was a greedy and cunning person.
   Maggie was an ordinary person but in the past she helped a witch and was given a pair of magic mirrors.
The witch said;if two person's look at the mirror at the same time their faces will be swapped. They have to bring other's faces until the mirror is broken.
    One day the king personally arranged for princess Celina a marriage.
The king said; he is Prince jude of the neighbouring kingdom, he is very handsome and rich, you will marry him so that the two kingdoms can make an alliance.
  Celina said;NO!!! I don't agree! Why don't you ask my opinion? I want to decide for myself who I will marry.
  The king said;you are a princess a princess will need to put the kingdom's benefits first! Just stop there, I've made up my mind!
  Returning to her room, celina could only confide this matter to Maggie.
  Celina said;when I was young I once made a promise to a boy he promised to protect me for the rest of his life. But we have lost each other, I have no news of him. I only keep a chain of seastone he made for me himself I always wanted to find him again, but now my father has forced me into an arranged marriage.
  When the wedding day was approaching  the king sent a carriage to bring princess Celina to the neighbouring kingdom. Maggie also went with Celina,submissively beside her.
  Celina said; I don't want this marriage, and love my whole life with the person I've never met it was all my father's wish, Maggie is there anyway you can help me escape?
  Maggie said; my highness, if you do not want this marriage then I will marry Prince jude in place of you. The pair of mirrors will make us swap faces and identities,just looking at the mirror at the same time. Celina happily agreed and they raised and looked at the mirror at the same time. Miraculously, celina and Maggie's faces were indeed swapped right after. Celina said;this......what a miracle. Now I'm not celina anymore. I'm Maggie? Celina asked.
So celina had Maggie's face and became a maid and Maggie had celina's face and became a princess. Celina said;Maggie thank you for all your help!so I don't need to accept this arranged marriage! Celina didn't know that Maggie was silently laughing. It is a pleasure princess said Maggie.
        The plan was carried out smoothly. When they arrived in the neighbouring kingdom, Prince jude did not notice anything unusual everyone thought Maggie was the real princess celina. Princess celina. thank you I am very pleased meeting you! I have a gift for you it is a pair of shoes made according to the shoe length your father sent to my father! Said Prince jude but Maggie's feet were much bigger than the real celina. She couldn't fit in these shoes much to Prince jude's surprised. Maggie being the fake celina said to the Prince just let me do it. After some period of trying and it couldn't fit in she gave an excuse. I've been to a lot of places so my toes are bigger and rougher than before and I don't know how. Said princess Celina oh, so that's it! Surely you had a very special experience your feet has been imprinted on so many places you must be tired, let's go to the room to rest first! Said Prince jude otherwise. To hide her embarrassment. Celina hurriedly said  goodbye to Prince jude and returned to her room with Maggie. When everyone had left, Maggie and celina breathed a sign of relief. Whoa! Fortunately, you were quick to realise Prince jude otherwise everything would have been revealed! Said Maggie. Be careful of your behaviour and words! Now I am princess celina, and you are only Maggie, my servant don't let others find out said celina. Maggie said: Ah, yes princess celina I promise to be more careful said Maggie. Good: now help me put these shoes on! The fake princess endured the pain, determined to let her feet into the tight shoes Prince jude has given her.
  The real princess said; princess, why do you have to suffer like this wouldn't it be more comfortable to wear another pair of shoes to fit your feet? SHUT UP! WHAT DO YOU UNDERSTAND? by all means I must wear these shoes! Said the fake princess. Although it hurts a little but to wear the crown and become queen in future. That little pain is worth it. Alright! I am done with this so tell me all your private things so that I can remember to avoid being exposed! Said the fake princess. The real princess obeyed,  she told all her personal stories for the fake princess to remember. After she left, the fake princess suddenly discovered the chain of seastones the mermontes that  the real princess accidentally left on the table.
  Isn't that the chain of stones that she has always cherished? Now that I am celina, it will be mine. Said fake celina.
  The next day, Prince jude came again and took the fake princess for a walk in the Palace gardens. At this time, because of the uncomfortable tight shoes, the fake princess accidentally stripped, the chain of stones in her body was thrown out. Prince jude picked it up, he was very surprised when he saw the chain of stones.
  Celina..... you, do you always carry it with you? Do you remember the old days, when we met on the beach and I promised to protect you forever? Said Prince jude.
  The fake princess said;  unbelievable Prince jude was the one who gave celina this chain? My chain of stones? Why does Maggie have it? It turns out...... Prince jude is.
  It turned out that long time ago when Prince jude and the real celina were children they once met at the beach. The two children played happily together! And the boy made a chain of seastones for the girl.
  The girl said; what are you doing?
  The boy said;this seastone chain, I made it for you after this, I will protect you for life
  The girl said; it is so beautiful and this is for you but then..... they lost each other and there was no more news. Celina thought she would never see the boy again. As for Prince jude, he had spent a lot of time looking for that girl and finally knew she was the princess of the neighbouring kingdom. He tried everything he could do ask his father to let him marry her to fulfil his childhood promise. Celina, do you remember what you gave me? Princess celina's gift must be an expensive  jewellery? Of course, I remember! Is that a ring, gold necklace? Or a silver bracelet?
  Prince jude said; you must have forgotten only I still remember very clearly. Suddenly jude was surprised to see the maid beside princess celina staring at him strangely.     Prince jude said in his mind;who is she? Why is she looking at me like that? Although I have never met her, I feel very familar! Returning to her room the real princess thought for a long time before speaking she said; Maggie I want to. I TOLD YOU I AM CELINA said the fake celina. The real celina said; I am serious Maggie, I want to return to my true self, because jude is the one I've been looking for all this time! But the princess could not believe that Maggie had betrayed her.
  The fake princess said; If I  don't swap with you. What can you do to me? As long as I keep the mirror, no one will believe you're a princess! I will forever be princess Celina and marry Prince jude! Where is the soldiers? The maid dares to harm the princess, quickly capture her and put her in the dungeon for me. The real princess said; NO  that's not! Done! Just one more step and I'll be princess Celina forever! Said the fake princess.
  So the fake princess went to find Prince jude and maid a request. She said; please order the execution of the insolent maid who plotted to harm me immediately! Prince jude said; but celina, isn't that the close maid you brought with you? She has become evil. I don't need that kind of maid please do as I ask said the fake princess. Prince jude said in his mind; why did she suddenly want to execute the maid who had followed her for so long? This is very strange especially that maid attitude when looking at me! I have to go to the dungeon to check it out myself!
  At that time the real celina was sitting sadly on the cell when Prince jude entered. Prince jude said; why do you dare to harm  princess celina? Prince jude it is not like that! Please believe me! I was persecuted I am the real princess celina! Said the real celina. But her strange face made jude not believe it. What nonsense are you talking about. Do you know that impersonating a princess is an aggravating crime? The real celina said; the gift that I gave you in the  past it was a seashell that I found! Prince jude said; w...what? How do you know? That thing only celina and I know, even.... she forgot! Celina then reminded Prince jude of the old days on the beach. This time, he felt half believing and half suspecting. The real celina said, I am the real celina thanks for this magical hand mirrors. Maggie and I could swap faces! I kept one, and the fake princess kept one! Prince jude said is there such a miracle in this world? The real celina said if you still don't believe it , give me a chance to prove it! Prince jude said alright, I want to know the truth so I will give you a chance, but what will you do? I have a plan said the real princess said. I know Maggie is allergic to honey help me bring a cup of tea mixed with honey to Maggie I will show you the truth. Jude did as the maid asked, he took the fake princess out and offered her a cup of tea mixed with honey. Maggie was delighted, no doubt drinking it at all just finished drinking  immediately the face of the fake princess was hot, full of acrid and red the fake princess said "Oh my God! Honey! Prince I am allergic to honey panicked, the fake princess hurriedly took out the hand mirror she always kept in her body. At that moment,  the real celina hid behind a Bush,she also used the mirror in her other hand to look at her face immediately, celina and Maggie's faces were swapped back to the way they were before.
  Maggie showed her real face in front of Prince jude,she was shocked and scared.At that moment celina dignified appeared in front of them.Celina said: jude, do you believe me? She is my maid, Maggie who persecuted me in attempt to impersonate a princess! Seeing at celina said. Prince jude was furious. He said: Maggie if you still don't tell the truth I will send you to the dungeon forever! Maggie had no choice but to confess all her guilt  greed has made me crazy please forgive me, Prince and princess! After that, Prince jude broke the two hand mirrors so that there would be no more such blasphemy. Maggie was sent to prison for impersonation and plotting to harm the real princess. As for celina, her identity was restored jude, I wanted to run away from this arranged marriage, But now I found you, the one I want to spend the rest of my life with! The wedding ceremony took place jubilant and the blessing of the people of both kingdoms and they lived    jubilant  happily ever after.

                  THE END