

Option B
When your dreams do not come through
What do you do?
When things don't go as planned
What's next?

Hyacinth wants a burger
Thinking about it, he salivates
But all he can afford is “Akara na bread”
from the woman at the junction....

Biodun wishes his father would love and support him
But the only person who has been there is Baba Akin ,
loving him, praying for him and encouraging him.....

Nwadiuto dreams of schooling at OXFORD
she's smart enough, a genius at that;
But life and circumstances have handed her ABU ZARIA.....

You and I
We have that one thing we wish so badly for.
something we yearn for but have been denied of, by life, fate ,time, & chance.
Option A isn't always available.
But you can always rock the hell out of your option B, C or even D.
© chikanma maris