

The cacophony and the buzz
"The asteroid is heading undeterred towards us. We're doomed," the newsreader quoted, her face ashen as she fumbled for a second and then regained her usual style. The news of the coming asteroid had made the whole world thinking once more, is the end of the world coming soon?
"The massive deaths due to prevalent pandemic Coronavirus has already killed thousands and has infected lakhs of people worldwide, and now this .."
she pointed at the virtual representation of the coming asteroid on the big screen behind her and said with a sigh, " get ready all to experience this unwanted guest which may take lives of many people as it may fall on the surface of the earth this time as the scientists are assuming!"
A series of images flashed on the big screen and it was time for some commercial break.
The break was over and now the news reporter was connected to one of the scientists from NASA. He looked sophisticated and sat on a big comfortable chair and tried to hear what the lady was questioning him.
"Yes mam, an asteroid as big as empire state building is approaching towards earth and the world may witness it this April of 2020"
"Will it cause immense damage"?

What do people need to do in this case?
What is the speed of this asteroid?"

She blurted out questions one by one, took a sip of water from the newsroom big laminated table and changed her views towards the viewers.
"As the asteroid is approaching vastly with an speed of 55,000 miles per hour and has an estimated diameter of 1,248 feet it can have hazardous impact if it falls over the earth surface, but yes if it falls into the oceans then we may witness tsunami like disturbances which will be atleast not that severe."
The news room reporter was now looking at the camera towards the public.
"So now you can see that nothing much we can do but we can only wait and hope this asteroid falls into the ocean".
She continued, " The earth certainly knows how to combat with population, the biggest challenge and concern among the great environmentalists and coronavirus and the approaching asteroid is a sign that earth is speaking to the mankind to be like a guest on the planet and dont try to own it, for we will create ways to stop you, if you play with the nature"!
Natasha Ahluwalia broadened her smile and looked at the camera.
"Please dont panick people as we cant do anything that's beyond the limitations of the mankind so wait,.watch and pray, there is a supreme power taking care of its beings, thanks for turning in now we take you to some entertainment news after this commercial break".
A seris of commercials from housing loans to a paint company, a brand for nutritional proteins for kids and a lady endorsing a hair shampoo started on the television monitor.