

The Diary
PG. 2

There were days where I find my mind linger far longer than intended about choices that were already done of a past year, of some weeks ago and of the choices made to-day. Most times, regret clouds the better of me, made abject by the mere notion I could've done better with astute reasoning. But it wasn't entirely the case why I've spent most nights with asinine ideas, as foolish as traveling back in time resetting all that has been my misdoings. I am no courageous man who wanted chance to right what has already became wrong. I've no decency to redeem myself of my wrongdoings. I hold no desire to ask absolution for my sins. My avarice has urged me the wanting to repeat. Ah, indeed. I'm a man of pride who concedes to no end, a man with only more wishes to ask.

© Oli Pender

#Letter #Diary #Self