

Chapter 11
She stumbled out of her cherry glossed car, she stool three years ago, and looks up at me with blood dripping from her scratches above her eyes, making her look like a murderer. The look in her eyes matched, mixed of anger, excitement, determination. She pulled out her scarlet gun, pointing it at us, slightly smiling, excited to finally see us gone. I glared at her, not scared of seeing her as my killer. Seeing this, seemed to bother her. Amarah's too used to her prey begging for their lives, or closing their eyes to not remember their killer, she took joy in those faces. She fed from it. But, seeing that I glared back, gave her no joy. "I really can't believe that my traitor sister thinks she's better than me." she said dropping her gun. "You know, just because you got past Anena, Lyra, Dagon, Sithe, and Riah. Dosen't mean you can get past me. I'm a whole new level." she said, pulling out a knife instead. "If you think you're so good, get over here, and prove it." she challenged. I gently set Issac down, and pulled out the knife I took from Riah. I held the knife, facing the blade under my pinky, and charged at her. She blocked me with her forearm tossing the knife in the air, but my stubborn grip held onto it. She punched me in the gut, making me crunch over grunting. I kicked her leg making us kneel to the ground. Our knives pointed at each other, it was a competition of strength. Of who will get stabbed first. She suddenly banged her head on mine, and pushed the knife to my shoulder in my minut of pain. I yelled out and she pushed me to the ground, but I tried with the strength I had to keep it from puncturing through my shoulder. Only laying on the ground I felt blood run from the spot she headheadbutted me. Then, there was the sound of metal cutting skin. And she looked at me with wide eyes. Blood dripped from her mouth landing on my cheek, and I felt blood from the knife wound I gave her stain my hands. "Go to hell." I said to her. Then, I pushed her off me. She layed on her back choking on her blood, then she stared blankly at the sky, her body going limp. At last she was dead. I stood up and pressed my hand on my shoulder, hopefully to slow down the bleeding, walking over to Issac. I helped him stand and dragged him with me up the hill, almost falling twice, to the road. I waved down a middle aged woman, who helped us get to DC. At last, we made it. We really made it. Even though, I knew, the chance of me living for the next few days was vital, Issac was safe now, and that's all I needed to know.