

The Proud Daughter
In the family of Mr. Johnson, there are four daughters. The first daughter is an imbecile and no one, even her parents liked her. To them, she is not their daughter. So, they treated her anyhow they liked. The second daughter always sleeps and drink all the time and she is as fat as you can imagine. Whenever she is hungry, she would eat everything in the house forgetting her sisters. The third daughter is a very ugly girl. Even the devil will run away when he sees her face. She has a very dark skin that is as dark as coal. These three daughters are very kind to people. Don't mind their bad deformities and bad characters.They don't care of what people say.
Then, the last daughter is a very beautiful girl. She is as beautiful as anything that you can imagine. She is very proud of herself and she talked back at her elders because of her beauty. Many men sought her hand in marriage but she refused them and she likes praising her beauty in front of them.
One day, a spirit with no limbs and body support but with head only learnt about the girl
"Hmm, she is proving stubborn right? I will teach her a lesson."
He laughed aloud. He turned himself into a very young, handsome and wealthy man. Any man or woman could die for him when he/she sees him. His muscles are mighty, his buttocks has a perfect curve and his manhood is nothing to write home about(you know what I mean). He went to the village of the girl and won her heart. The girl fell for him immediately she set her eyes on him. She called her parents to marry them immediately without wasting time and so did they married.
It was time for the handsome man to take the girl to his village. The girl happily followed him. As they went deeper and deeper into the forest, the girl became scared
"Honey, where are we going?" she asked.
" To my place of course. Just be patient, we are almost there." he spoke with confidence in his voice.
The girl believed him and they continued to press deeper into the forest. She was now very very scared, so she turned to ask her husband the place they are going and unfortunately for her she couldn't see any body in...............

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